A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

the White Rabbit

Post 361


It's a bit belated but Happy Birthday, Sporky!

A friend's son is doing his MSc and PhD together and paid whilst he is about it.

Oh dear, there was other stuff I was going to say, but can't remember what smiley - doh

I think I shall head for bed.

brandishing fangs

Post 362

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Happy Birthday Sporky. I hope that d'E Witty and GL are not effected long by this outage.

Why do i see this as an additional sign of the collapse of the nation?

of white chocolate

Post 363

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

I have power; there is no telling how widespread this is yet. NY City has no power. Cell phones are out. But I can connect to a web site in the UK, thus proving that the original design of the internet as a super-redundant emergency communication system works.

And what do I use this super-communication medium for? -- Happy Birthday, Sporky.
smiley - dog

[Go get 'em, Marv!]

Post 364

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

And Amy, A1139465 is fully up to date.
smiley - dog

[Go get 'em, Marv!]

Post 365


Apparently the blackout is spreading. Someone just told me it's reached Ohio.


Post 366

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

What blackout??

Happy Birthday, Sporky! smiley - gift Here's the most popular gift I've ever given, a Backlog Exemption coupon -- good for 20 LEDs.

*grabs a piece of smiley - cake*

Amy, I'm relieved to hear from you again, and sorry about mixing up the town you live in. I'll remember from now on. *contritely*

A beautiful cool day here. But Vinnie is drooling like a baby with a lollipop. I thought maybe it was because he was purring, but now I see him looking a bit uncomfortable as he lies on the floor, and the saliva is all over his mouth. smiley - drool And on the carpet. Oh dear.


Post 367



*Lil, there's a blackout all over the east coast and apparently moving west with the night*

The ice cream lady walks down the ramp

Post 368


Phew! Gave up on all the backlog...good one though. Just back from hols, hot but cooler than here it seems. Met some amazing golden girls. Friends for over thirty years and truly foul to each other as only real friends can be...I did laugh so. There were senior blonde moments and many a tropical moment and sun and sand and... for heaven's sake no! Not that! It was far to hot to even talk about that! Any more news on the blackout?
take care
brown boots

and starts flinging melted fudge ripple at

Post 369

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

I guess it's all the way through Ottawa in the north, Cleveland in the west. I don't know how far it goes south, but it looks like just the state of New york. Wonder how Witty is?

It's a little weird, watching all these NYC folk leaving the city like 9-11. Very weird, in fact.

which drew lawyers for Messieurs Ben and Jerry into the fray

Post 370


Its a failure at the Mohawk-Something power grid near Niagara Falls, is what one of my clients in upstate New York at work told me. Not terrorists.

BB, this might be splitting hairs to those outside Montana, but you cannot drive drunk in our state. You will be in deep doo-doo when caught by the authorities. Your passengers, however, can ride with open alcohol containers. Its part of our state's prickly nature. We probably would have outlawed this, but when the federal government stepped in and told us to do so, we thumbed our collective nose at them and refused during the last Legislative session this spring.

and starts flinging melted fudge ripple at

Post 371

Witty Moniker

Here I am! *waves*

Never lost power here, but we had a momentary brown-out as the grid failure cascaded. I was just out running my kids to their dance lessons.

Happy Birthday, Sporky.

Glad to see you about, Amy.

Good job, Chris.

I forget what else. smiley - sorry

The news services are reporting that they are slowing starting to bring the electricity back online, but it will take hours. I don't think it is spreading.

handing inflated invoices all around

Post 372

Witty Moniker

{just updating ^}

[More work related rigamarole]

Post 373

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I am still waiting to hear how the possible tuition assistance will work out. There is but 4 weeks and 1 day till the first wave of layoffs commence, and we still are woefully unprepared. My last 60 applications have yeilded no call backs or courtesy emails to even aknowledge the recipt of the CV or application. smiley - sigh

which resulted in

Post 374

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Marv, that's crappy. The least they could do is say they got your resume.

which resulted in

Post 375


Hello... Z, Vip and FC say hello!

which resulted in

Post 376

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

hello, Vip!

So I'm sitting here trying to get the fake nails my friend the new nail tech at a fancy salon put on me. I tried to function with them, but I can't type, I can't do dishes, nothing.

So i'm sitting here with my fingernails (on my left hand...I'm typing with my right) wrapped in foil with acetone soaked cotton balls underneath. I look *very* weird.

a lot of wasted ice cream. Then the popcorn vendor arrived, and

Post 377

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I caught up with the news over at the neighbors, when I went to admire Cille's new car.

It's possible that Vinnie has bitten down on a bee or wasp. He is eating normally and shows his usual vigor -- he and Ms Limbo were playing tag over on La Bosquita when we all walked over there -- but he is definitely drooling and a little uncomfortable. We are monitoring the situation.

set up his stand, happilly ignoring

Post 378

Titania (gone for lunch)

Is the power back yet in the US?

was struck by lightning. The storm grew nearer....

Post 379


Poor Vinnie, but if he isn't off his kibble (which I discovered courtesy of Fred Dibnah is also an iron barrel) that is a good sign.

Hello Vip, nice to meet you.

I am skipping the gym today, which means I haven't been all week, but I deserve a holiday and I get too hot in this weather anyway. Even though the worst of hte heat is over, we are still above our seasonal average, which is around 22ÂșC.

We have had power surges here and flickery lights, but that is Guildford for you on any old day. I don't know why we have such problems here, but at the moment I expect supply is being outstripped by demand with all those fans whirring away.

was struck by lightning. The storm grew nearer....

Post 380


Oops, smiley - sorry T, your post wasn't there when I started!

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