A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 881


When I worked for a publisher, I found out just how much paper costs in Britain these days smiley - yikes. No wonder our books are expensive. Our paper/ logging industry doesn't nearly cover demand, we have to import most of our wood-pulp, and as we don't have enough paper mills, some paper too. From what I understand, the States has a very big logging/paper industry. All that extra room to grow trees in. No need to import, which is invariably more expensive. We the British are not being ripped off. Ripped off suggests the books could actually be much cheaper. But publishers don't make that massive a profit these days. We are living with the consequences of being a small island nation with no major forests or forestry projects, and a history of government decisions that decided to dump industry in favour of the 'service industries'.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 882


>>I saw the regular prices you good folks are charged for them. Even your sale prices were expensive. You are being ripped off big time.<<

And we think books are cheap in UK smiley - erm

I just bought a new book by a Danish author for 300 kr./48.49 $/ 27.91 £ as a present for my uncle.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 883


Ag is right, of course. Production costs do play a major role. I suppose the remark was influenced by two things - first, I'm used to American vendors who try to goudge the public and second by my librarian's desire to put books into every house/flat/tent/igloo on the planet.

There are a lot of people in Webb City who can't aford to buy books -even at US prices. It is very sad. Everyone should have access to books.

Tartaronne, your prices make books a special gift indeed. I hope your wages are also high to compensate for the high prices.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 884



Hear hear! Public libraries for ever! Libraries are heroic and wonderful undertakings. Which makes Hypatia a heroine as she is a librarian smiley - winkeye

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 885

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

<< Libraries are heroic and wonderful undertakings>>

Except for the central library in Swindon. It is currently in temporary huts pending the approval of a permanent building and has been since 1972.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 886


Isn't it heroic and wonderful that the library still exists despite the permanent temporary hut thing?

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 887


I'm thinking that if it's been in temporary digs since 1972, it's unlikely that there is a great committment to improving library services. smiley - erm On the other hand, sometimes it takes a dedicated advocate to bring the situation to everyone's attention. *peers over her glasses at Mr. D* If you know such a person..........

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 888

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Well, Hyp, if you ever fancy moving to Swindon... smiley - biggrinsmiley - book

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 889

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

And something which I forgot to put in the previous message:
The council have been promising a new library ever since I can remember. Swindon had its city status application rejected because it has no permanent library... it's on the agenda *again* but I'm not holding out much hope. If I had my way it would be in the old Town Hall with the referece library but the council decided they'd rather have a dance studio in there.smiley - erm

I'm going to pop over to iCan and see if there's anything about it there. And if not I'll start something dammit!

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 890


I am afraid that a transatlantic move is out of the question at this point. Afraid you'll have to do it yourself. smiley - whistle

Seriously, sometimes a well-organized grassroots effort is successful. It's worth a try.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 891

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

"Well-organised"? I have heard this term but am unfamiliar with its meaning. smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 892

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

My library is currently upset with me...I've been a little lax in returning books.

*ducks the expected blows*

I mean, we're talking about a book on the Carolingian economy. It's not like I've been keeping anything from anyone...no one's recalled it yet, after all. A bit annoying, really. The old history libarian would auto-renew us unless someone recalled it, but she's gone to greener pastures (i.e., Berkeley is paying her more, and she's worth it). All of us became rather accustomed to it, and now we're all in hot water with the libary because of it.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 893


*makes sign against evil eye in MR's direction*

Actually, I do sympathize. We do the same. If someone has a book they need for a special assignment or project that no one else is going to want to check out anyway, then we keep renewing it for them. And I waive fines a lot when the circumstances call for it.

Being located in a small town, I tend to bend the rules quite a bit. I also open early and stay late when kids need me to so they can finish assignments, deliver books to shut-ins, and do about 10 times as much adult programming as my larger counterparts in the area. (Actually, as they do about one adult program every decade, I do 100 times more programs than they do.)

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 894

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

I'm so anal about the library, though. If someone recalls a book, I return it the very next day. I know what a pain it is to wait, after all.

I've been in touch with the new subject librarian, and come to find out, it isn't her. Apparently, they have a new circulation person who's cut off everyone's access to their grad students' accounts. I guess all the subject librarians would renew their grad students' books, etc., and he cut everyone off. And decided to stop the emails that reminded grad students to return or renew. And decided no more forgiving of fines for grad students, etc. All of which we had become accustomed to.

I've filed a complaint. I mean, yes, I understand the issues, but unless someone requests an item on our shelves, or it's an ILL item, what, really, are they gaining by gouging really broke grad students?

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 895

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

smiley - yikes An evil librarian!!

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 896


Ag, Teuchter: here's the details about that prom I was talking about again. Still wanna come?

Tuesday 9th at 7.30. Elgar's Enigma Variations and two other things which I've forgotton. The cheapest seats after the promenade ones are 6 pounds - but that's restricted view, which means you can see the conductor's face and the top of the heads of half the orchestra. Still, at least it's comfortable, and as long as I can see the top of the heads of the bass players, personally, I'm happy. The next cheapest seats are 10 pounds, and you're high up but can see the whole stage quite happily. I'm not paying more than that, sorry.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 897


Sorry Solnushka - I meant to get back to you sooner. I can't manage a Tuesday - just wouldn't get into town in time after work.
Thanks for doing the research - and enjoy the concert.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 898


Tuesday 9th? Of August? *looks frantically in diary* blast I can't tell if I'm going to be in Londond or Dorset. I'm afraid I'm going to have to get back to you this evening when S gets home and can tell me what he wrote in HIS diary. Fingers crossed I haven't double-booked myself.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 899


It's Tuesday the 9th. Are Sol and Ag at the Prom? Is Ag still trying to wash Dorset out of her hair? Has Sol won the lottery and run off to Moscow to buy a larger flat?

For the answers to these and other questions, tune in tomorrow. And now a word from our sponsor.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 900

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

Life got you down? Try Damnitall! One spoonful will give you the resolve to get out there and tell people what you really think of them. So try Damnitall today!

smiley - winkeye

A get-together in 2006 sounds more doable than 2005... but not much more. I'm going on an all-points selling blitz. If I could find somebody that wants leather Mardi Gras masks in New Mexico, I'd be set. I could write it off as biz expense.

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