A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 861


MR, that sounds wonderful! *Rushes to find a 2006 calendar.*

July 4 is a Tuesday. That's perfect. Everyone can take Monday and Wednesday off work and it will work out just dandy.

We can buy and shoot fireworks from July 1st - 7th. We have a year. That gives everyone who is interested time to arrange schedules. And gives us a 5 day window to plan arrivals, departures, picnics, etc. 'Twil be fun. I'll even clean the house! smiley - biggrin

I'll have a year to plan sightseeing trips. And I can take all of you to meet Smellfungus. smiley - evilgrin

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 862

Witty Moniker

*Jots down dates in PDA.*

You know, this just might be possible. smiley - biggrin

*Checks for hotels/motels in the Webb City area.*

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 863


And everyone can meet Minerva. smiley - cat And see my library. smiley - blush

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 864


Witty, try Joplin. The city limits run together. All of the motels are there.

Joplin does have an airport. It is less than 3 miles from my house. To make connections you have to fly into StL. American Connections. Tulsa is the nearest large airport. It is 2 hours from here.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 865


Hyp, I was telling my Mum about your Lincoln Meet - and she said "Well, why don't you just go?"

After I'd picked mysef up off the floor - I had to tell her that financially this is a non-starter for me this year.

But 2006? That might just be possible smiley - biggrin
Will the smellfungus know she's a major crowd puller?

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 866


Oh my! That would be so awesome. You and John have room and board at my house then or any other time you want to come. smiley - hug

I could serioulsy arrange a meeting with Smellfungus. But we'd all have to keep from snickering. If she gets folks to WC, then she has served at least one useful function in her life.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 867


Thanks for that smiley - hug

Don't know if I *could* refrain from childish sniggering in the presence of a smellfungus - but it would be fun to try.

I'm going to give this idea some serious consideration - a Hillbilly Fourth sounds irresistible.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 868

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - biggrin
[and taking notes]
[checks his calendar, curses under his breath, and looks up smiley - sheepishly]
D@mn work gets in the way again. We'll be in the midst of our Steam Generator replacement outage, the biggest renovation to our system yet, and it starts after the first week in September. It's expected to last 70+ days, and we'll be skirting in just under the Holiday Season if all goes well.
smiley - erm
Next Fourth of July at your place, Hypatia (hipPOTteah), sounds like it might still be do-able...
smiley - winkeye

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 869

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Well dang, B4, I'm sorry to hear you won't be coming.

The casita is booked for Friday and Saturday nights. Should I book Sunday night as well?

Did anyone check whether sea would like to join us?

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 870


Are we doing Sunday night at Carlsbad?

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 871

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Yes, I think that's what we've provisionally planned.

And I'll be more than happy to skip the Cowboy Symposium. Yee-hah.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 872

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Teuchter's given me an idea... Hyp came over to Blighty and met all of us so why don't we see if we can get as many UK Salonistas as are willing/able to go over to Webb City... even if that's a non-starter I want to come over some time anyway. Having heard so much about this libary I want to see it for myself!

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 873

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Lil, Lincoln was mentioned to sea at dinner last Friday. Courtesy already said she's more than welcome to ride with the two of us, so now it's up to her.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 874


I hope sea decides to come to Lincoln.

Mr. D, it would be wonderful to have you and Mrs. D come to Webb City. smiley - biggrin Either for a July 4 picnic and fireworks or any other time you can arrange it. Since you go LARPing, you could use it as research for some future Hillbilly weekend in the wilds of Swindon.

All of the UK salonistas were so wonderful to me. I'd love to be able to repay the hospitality.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 875


Oh, and remember that the dollar is weak compared to the pound now and in the forseeable future, so it would be an economical place for you to visit. smiley - ok

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 876

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Woohoo! Cheap stuff!

If we do hop over the pond I'll probably take the opportunity to pick up some cheap D&D books, the weakening of the dollar has forces Wizards of the Coast to lower their prices, but most UK retailers are refusing to lower theirs.smiley - sadface

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 877


One thing I noticed is the price of books in Blighty. This is one area I know something about, as I buy several thousand titles every year. I nearly had heart failure when I saw the regular prices you good folks are charged for them. Even your sale prices were expensive. You are being ripped off big time.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 878

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Tell me about it, the price of books keeps going up yet the actual quality of the books themselves (I'm talking paper not content!) is going down.
And we pay twice as much for CDs over here.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 879


CD's would be easy to pack in a suitcase. smiley - winkeye

I get substantial discounts from my wholesalers. With the discounts I figure I pay about 25% of your cost for new titles.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 880

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Just looked at Webb City on Multimap, having become used to the UK's methond of town planning ("let's build stuff any old how... with roundabouts!") it seems wierd to see a place that looks so... organised.

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