A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 1

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

* watches the bots set up some racks and stands for plants* hums happily*

Wicker furniture, I think. I know it's a bit of a cliché but I like it. Cream cushions.

And a large lemon tree on the stand in the middle. With lemons of course.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 2


And some Bird of Paradise plants for that bright splash of colour. Perhaps the sound of water, a small rill?

I'm beginning to relax just at the thought of it all.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 3

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Ooh, yes, a rill. What a wonderful idea smiley - bigeyes.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 4

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*steps into the conservatory through a curtain of air that keeps most of the warmoth and humidity in, then looks up at the bubble of windows*

Palm trees! Aren't conservatories supposed to have palms? And I love the view all the way out to the forest. We're going to need a pool out there. smiley - smiley

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 5

Garius Lupus

*Looks around admiringly*

Wow, this place is great! Reminds me of my Biome on the Space Station.

You know, if you were into dangerous plants, I could bring a few from there. That cute little triffid/strangler vine cross might be fun to have around. I wonder how he is doing - I haven't been to the biome in ages. I'm sure Ranger Triff has everything under control, though.

There is one thing that should be added here. I'll have to go downstairs and rig up a special pedestal for it, though. I'll be back as soon as it's done.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 6

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

A triffid/strangler vine hybrid! smiley - yikes

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 7


Can we have bougainvillea, please? smiley - smiley And cinnamon ferns? And toad lilies? We really need toad lilies. smiley - grovel

I just planted some black magic elephant ears. They would grow up a storm in a conservatory. They're dark purple, not black. And for more color we can add crotons, caladiums and Joseph's Coat. Coleus will grow easily from seed. smiley - ok

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 8

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Ooh, I had all of those in my garden back in Florida! smiley - smiley Grew them from bulbs in the front yard.

Well, I'm going to microwave some popcorn and spend some time in the planet workshop. If things go the way I hope, I'll invite y'all in for a look 'round, but even I don't like to be in there when a planet is cooking.

And it's such a surprise to see it for the first time from the balcony!

*looks around* I can't wait for Amy's wicker furniture to arrive.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 9

Garius Lupus

*Comes back up from downstairs, scratching his head in puzzlement*

A pedestal, a pedestal. What the heck did I need a pedestal for?

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 10

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Actually, I'm not sure a pedestal will be enough, GL. Perhaps we should have a secure cage. smiley - erm

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 11


Plants! Yay! smiley - wow
I love houseplants! smiley - biggrin

Today I saved a little pitcher plant. (And I spent 10 minutes to find out the English name) Now I am in a little trouble - I actually know nothing about carnivore plants. smiley - erm
I took it to my summerhouse (smiley - winkeye) but I could do with some advice.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 12


Bouganvillia, lovely, reminds me of hot places, it doesn't grow here unless it's in a greenhouse/conservatories.

I don't know much about pitcher plants, but they are fascinating, aren't they?

Some ferns too, they always look exotic.

Have we already requested a banana palm? Perhaps some cocoa bushes too.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 13

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Amy's right, Garius. A cage might be the appropriate receptacle. We can always train clematis to grow up the bars.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 14


Will we have a parrot?

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 15

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

We already have a parrot. *looks up to see if Pierrot is lurking* I don't think I could cope with another one smiley - erm.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 16


Humming birds? I've only ever seen those at London Zoo.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 17

Titania (gone for lunch)

*looks in*

Nice... Caer, I didn't quite understand your posting about bougainvillea (or however you spell it) - it survives outdoors here in Sweden, so why doesn't it survive except in greenhouses/conservatories in the UK?smiley - huh

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 18


Toucan? Caer, you would love hummingbirds! They are so dainty and fragile looking, but are the scrappiest birds I think I've ever seen. smiley - laugh If there are two within a block of each other, you'll have a fight.

Bouganviella won't grow outside here,(Midwest) either, Ti. There must be more than one variety. I'd love to find a hardy one.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 19

Titania (gone for lunch)

Far too close to midnight for brain functioning - it seems I mixed up bougainvillea with rhododendron...smiley - blush - so no, bougainvillea doesn't survive outdoors in Sweden...

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 20

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I suspect Pierrot will go wherever he likes. smiley - smiley Here, or in the atrium, for starters.

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