A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 921


Agreed. It's a very long drive for us and longer for the California party. If there are shortages, it would be unwise to risk it.

I will be disappointed if we have to cancel it. I'm really looking forward to it. smiley - sadface But I will still be able to spoil Marv. smiley - smiley

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 922

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

I guess we'll just have to play it by ear until it gets closer. I've asked for the time off at work, but don't know if that's going to happen, either.

I'm going to be so disappointed if it doesn't happen.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 923

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Let us just procede as if all will go well. AFAIK I am the only person who has a firm financial commitment already made in the form of my airfare.

Why is it that I, who hates flying, have done so much of it over the last year?

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 924


Hey, I have an investment in huckleberry chocolate and wild blackberry taffy. smiley - biggrin

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 925

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Not to mention those Weapons of Marshmallow Destruction... smiley - evilgrin

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 926


Just wait. You are sooooooooooo going to love the marshmallow blow guns. smiley - rofl

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 927


smiley - envysmiley - envysmiley - envy

I wonder if I can get one in Denmark - and pretend it is for my grandson?

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 928

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

This changes things! Clara has just offered us the use of the main ranch house at the G Bar F -- the place up across the three fords you've been hearing about. Five miles up a dirt road, at the foot of the Capitan Mountains, with unbelievable views, original art all over the walls (and a few Remington sculptures). No floors, although the guys may get the bunkroom. smiley - smiley Lots of hiking trails. We only have to chip in for food and the cost of the cleaning lady -- only a few dollars all told. The Saturday night party will now be there, at the ranch.

I will cancel the booking at the Casa Patron forthwith.

You all HAVE to come, now! smiley - wowsmiley - boingsmiley - boing

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 929

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

That was unclear. The ranchhouse has perfectly serviceable floors; you just don't have to sleep on them. smiley - silly

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 930

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Lil, the only thing that would keep me from coming is a fuel shortage that could possibly strand Hypatia and I in the middle of Oklahoma, Texas or New Mexico for some reason. I hope that both sanity and normal fuel delivery is in place by the time I fly to MO.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 931

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I just hope the saving on lodging will help to offset the cost of the fuel.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 932

marvthegrate LtG KEA

As I may have said before, the cost is not something that worries me too much. Availability is far more pressing.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 933


It is a month away. Surely the fuel situation will have stabilized by then. Our prices actually dropped a dime yesterday.

The new plan sounds lufferly. I had planned to pack a picnic hamper for the road. Food along the interstates is usually dreadful. smiley - yuk I can pack a little extra for the cabin.

I hope my foot is up to hiking. I couldn't today. I'm having a problem getting ready for my cookout. I'm limping badly and they haven't even gotten here yet. I'll bring a book just in case it keeps me from traipsing around with the rest of you.

Tartaronne, you have to make the marshmallow guns. I have a pattern that my cousin drew for me.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 934


I feel some x-mas presents coming on - a marshmallow gun for each. Is it difficult to make? And if not is it possible to mail the pattern to tartaronne at yahoo dot dk?

smiley - biggrin

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 935

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Hiking will not be a mandatory activity. There will always be lounging in front of a fire with tea and snacks as a healthful alternative.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 936


Woo Hoo! Time to firm up plans for Lincoln.

How many of us will there be? Is sea coming with MR and Courtesy?

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 937


MR and I have been trying to get a hold of sea, no response. If anything I believe sea is a gametime decision smiley - smiley

I will definitely be there, even if MR can't get the time off of work.


The Atelier Conservatory

Post 938

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I will be there with Hypatia, certainly. But that was a given.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 939

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

We can expect to chip together for the cost of a housecleaner, which Clara says will be about $100 all told, maybe less if we strip our own sheets before we leave and replace the blankets/spreads. The more people arrive, the cheaper the cost per person.

My plan is that everyone arrives at my place in Lincoln on Friday afternoon and does obiesaiance to the cats, and then I will lead us to the ranch. Is Friday afternoon do-able for everyone? The ranch is not difficult to find, and I will provide extensive maps in any case.

The Atelier Conservatory

Post 940


Lil, the only way we can get there early Friday afternoon is to leave here around midnight on Thursday. I don't know if Marv will be up to that. He doesn't get to Joplin until nearly 9:00.

OK. I had planned to take Thursday off. I can sleep Thursday afternoon. Then I can start out driving while Marv sleeps. And the first part of the drive, in the dark, will be interstate, so safe driving. Anyway, if we leave here at midnight, we should be in Lincoln by 2 or 3 PM.

Marv, what do you think?

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