A Conversation for H2G2 Space Centre

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 221

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

~Mackenzie is then frozen completely to the floor by a blast from Red's Snowzar~

Stop it, stop it. The fighting is over. We one, remember? KL gets to have his family and friends, and so do I, and that's that. CHOPPERS get out of here before we prosecute you for breaking and entering!

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 222


*Affy starts to back out, but KL jumps in the way*

Affy, just so you know, I'll be setting up an appointment with AXR. Let's see, how many charges do I have against CHOPPERS? Breaking and entering, attempting to keep me from my family and friends, posing as pizza delivery people, interfering with my pizza order *motions to curry*,...ooh, this is going to be a fun week.smiley - smiley

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 223


Happy stays hidden

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 224

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

picks up his .38colt (semi-auto w/drop clip) and deceids it needs to be painted and that he needs 2 of them as well

man the pizzas cold, bah

there much better!

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 225


*Leaves in disgust. Swipes at a security robot with his sword (said bot explodes), and exits*

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 226

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 227

Dizzy H. Muffin

[The block of Snowzar ice glows red for a moment, and then gets dim again]

[YK] D'oh.

[He pulls out a Chefinator, sets it to Deep Fat Fry, and shoots the frozen Mackenzie with it. This counteracts the results of the Snowzar and Mackenzie collapses on the floor. The Chefinator is blasted to bits from YK hand]

[YK] D'oh!

[He rushes over to Mackenzie, but she is teleported away by some unseen force]

[YK] D'OH! D'OH! [is teleported away by the same thing]

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 228

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Emar(surveying carnage): Well!...THAT was...fun. You know, I never really needed to use this snowzar, after all...

(Emar experimentally points his snowzar at the hangar bulkhead and pulls the trigger. In a matter of instants, a large, pointy shard of ice crystal is produced and propelled several inches into the steel wall.)

Emar(nervously): WhoooooOOOPS! I guess these things have alternate firing modes. Heh heh...

(Emar slowly walks away from the damaged bulkhead, whistling nonchalantly and hoping nobody saw that.)

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 229

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Man oh man, we're going to have our day in court.

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 230

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

[smiles] The ultimate humiliation for the heroes: losing to us /legally!/

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 231

Giguschild/Death Avocado. Motto:*Fac ut gaudeam*

Zeb suddenly notices a small beeping under Emar's foot.

[Zeb] Psst! Emar! Uh...don't look now, but I think that's one of t-

*KKABBLAMMAMMINNK!!! (-lltinkletinkle)*

the delayed-fuse TAK-Tomato launches Emar (with Zeb) 40 feet into the air. At the zenith of the flight, a faint *schpak! schpak!* noise can be heard as Zeb slaps the innocent puppeteer repeatedly. Then, they both accelerate towards the ground and comically stick into it with only Emar's humourously oversized shoes sticking out. Muffled insults can be heard to be exchanged.

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 232

The Krylma Leader

*Claps his hands*

Wonderful! Giguschild made that posting *after* the heroes had officially ceased the battle! This is going to be a field day! I will go speak with the honorable Judge AXR now. Let's see, I'm suing...

*Checks the list of every person involved in the plotting*

...every member of CHOPPERS, Amy The Ant, Big 'Evil' Dan (this is great-the chief security officer on the station!), and YK & friends. We'll sue them for tampering with our order of pizza, posing as pizza delivery people, causing a great deal of medical damage for us, having Zeb and Emar go boom after the fight was over (that reminds me, someone pull them out of the floor, please), trying to stop me from reuniting with my friends and family, causing damage to my roof, assaulting us when we had not yet attacked them, attempt at damagin much of my scientific equipment,...that's all I can think of. I'll go speak with the judge now.

*Walks off, humming cheerfully to himself*

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 233

Giguschild/Death Avocado. Motto:*Fac ut gaudeam*

heyHeyHEY!! *I* didn't make them go Boom; they made themSELVES go Boom. If they want to walk around, carelessly planting their feet any old where WITHOUT looking where they're going, then as long as it's in the privacy of their own homes, it's FINE WITH ME!! Those TAK-Tomatoes were GIFTS, and if evil, psychopathic Emar wants to abuse and explode them, then that's FINE WITH ME!! OK!?!?!?

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 234

Giguschild/Death Avocado. Motto:*Fac ut gaudeam*

Oh, and btw, neither Giguschild NOR Death Avocado attempted in any way to interfere with your pizza order OR pose as pizza delivery men. The dropship was on automatic pilot, Giguschild wasn't controlling it. He was also just showing you the nifty new gadgets on his APC, rather than using them to try and keep you from your friends and family. He had lost control of the APC when it broke through the wall. Luckily he was able to regain control afterwards. He even tried to help you push the button.
Death Avocado knows nothing at all about that hole in your ceiling. When he dropped in to investigate and see if he could help, he found people firing at him and retaliated in self defence. When he realised the error of his ways and left, leaving you with some handy TAK-Tomatoes as 'sorry' gifts, you repayed his gratitude by exploding them and then trying to sue him. Now IS THAT REALLY FAIR?!?

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 235

The Krylma Leader

No, if you read carefully, you were the one posting what they were doing. Not only is that assaulting them after the fight, it is breaking continuity. You're lucky I've not added that to the list of charges against you.

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 236

Giguschild/Death Avocado. Motto:*Fac ut gaudeam*

Merh? Continuity merh? And I was just pointing out that it would have happened: they were in danger of not noticing that dangerous piece of explosive at all!

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 237


Happy peeks over the crates he has hidden behind to see if its safe yet smiley - winkeye

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 238

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea rolls her eyes*

[sea] well, KL, you can add lying about motives to the list. maybe DA/G needs to leave before he digs himself in any deeper.

*sea remembers her brand-new ship has been "borrowed" and bursts into tears, and is heard muttering something about discounts for buying in bulk*

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 239

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*NYC consoles sea*

[NYC] there, there. there will always be new ships... just next time install some radio beacon self-destruct mechanism into the ship.

[sea] easy for YOU to say, you don't even HAVE a ship!

[NYC] sure I do. I just forego the problem altogether. it's a one-seater. you remember the Spaceman Spiff cartoons?

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 240

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] good idea on the self-destruct thing though. hmm...

*sea begins to plan out her next spaceship purchase, as well as a new insurance policy*

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