A Conversation for H2G2 Space Centre

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 241

The Krylma Leader

Giguschild, there was no way to know that Emar and Zeb would not have wrote something like "*Moves carefully to avoid stepping on the explosives*". You broke continuity of events yet to come by breaking one of the Continuity Rules of Threadiquette-One should never take control of the actions of another researcher or of said researcher's creations. And you did both. Emar the researcher, Zeb the creation. As a matter of fact, I think I *will* add continuity breaking to the list. I'm speaking with the judge in another forum right now.

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 242

Giguschild/Death Avocado. Motto:*Fac ut gaudeam*

*click* ah, shoot...

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 243


Happy decides it may not yet be safe - the situation better settle down soon as he is running out of Pizza smiley - winkeye

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 244

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea yawns*

*the yawn is passed around the room due to some weird law of nature that makes yawns contagious*

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 245

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*NYC inexplicably returns to existence due to some weird law of not having posted for a while*

wait a second! he's STILL overlooking the laws of continuity in the superhero forum we're currently battling on!

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 246

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

What forum is this?

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 247

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

this forum would be Hangar Infinity, owned by KL... *sea crosses to NYC and whispers in his ear. he then has a look of enlightenment* oh! you mean the superhero forum! in THAT case, go here: http://www.h2g2.com/F47032?thread=61606&latest=1

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 248

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

I'm glad you got the continuity infractions in there. Anyway we can get them for causing confusion in other forums by changing their names? I've got evidence of that in Hangar 41 -- wait, I guess we don't want the law poking around Hangar 41.

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 249

Uncle Heavy [sic]

*UH picks himself up from under the wreckage. Hearing the clatter, all the assembled villains turn round and look at him accusingly. He grins, nervously. He waves. He sidles over to his bags of curry and picks them up.*


I had a nice holiday since you ask

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 250

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

My dear Curried Pizza delivery man, are you refering to the shot that bounced right off of you, doing absolutely no harm whatsoever? The one that Yowzupman knew posed no threat because he was intelligent enough to guess your identity, and therefore deduce your body armour? Are you calling that an attack? I think any reasonable court of law will think differently. That's like calling kicking the tires of a car "vandalism".

Now, two posts or so later, our friend Affy the "Vogon" whips out a pistol and begins shooting without so much as a "Stop, you're under arrest, you have the right to remain silent". What kind of hero is that?

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 251

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

(pause, thinks, remembers)
Or we could go back to your stated threat to ignite the atmosphere in here with that curry of yours.

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 252

Uncle Heavy [sic]

How was that a threat. I just mentionned that the curry was hot. It was, in fact, a magdaloo, the hottest curry in existence. Available only in Newcastle.

OK. Let's see. You are saying that if an axe murderer came and attacked you, but missed, cutting off your belt, the police would say 'ello ello ello. What's all this then. Sorry chum, he didnt do anything wrong. Let's be aving you'?

They wouldnt, would they. Now I can accept that you have only limited experience with the police per se, but please, its still assault with a deadly weapon with an aim to cause serious bodily harm
So he destroyed my robe. That's destruction of property, that is. One of the other points you were so hasty to bring up as a result of out allegedly unprovoked attack.

And how exactly is adding to your order of pizzas a crime. You're hardly going to go to the police and say 'Oi! He gave me some free food. Food, that is to say, that I enjoy eating'

Come on. You are as likely to say that as you are to say to a macdonalds food transfer operative: 'Wow! Your face is entirely free of acne!'
And I gave you free curry, too. As a gift.

So there.

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 253

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

I quote your own words from post 154 in this very forum:

"'Hello' he says 'here is the curry you ordered my friends. That will be two ninety-nine.'

*He hands over the bags, which threaten to ignite the atmosphere*"

That wasn't food, it was a threat. In fact, I'm not sure that curry hasn't been disarmed. I'm thinking of blasting them with this snowzar so that they /won't/ ignite!

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 254

The Krylma Leader

Also, Uncle Heavy, the axe murderer you replied to would have been arrested, yes. But what happened here was merely an unmasking. We could tell that you were heroes in disguise. And we know the heroes well enough to know that you would have had your body armor on, Uncle Heavy. So Yowuzupman was merely putting on a harmless demonstration. Like tossing jello at a llama to show that the llama won't like it. And needless to say, the llama (you) didn't like it.

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 255

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

The law is on our side. [smirks; suddenly frowns] I think.

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 256

The Krylma Leader

Yes, for once the law is on our side. And we'll win. smiley - fish

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 257

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] in this case, it could be.

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 258

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

oh, the irony...

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 259

The Krylma Leader

What's so ironic? Real life villains do it all the time. Granted, we don't condone evil in real life, but I see no irony. The justice system isn't, in many cases. But this is one time when we're actually in the right, and totally on the up and up.

Hangar Infinity-Where Destiny Lies

Post 260

Queen Mandi (formerly Psycho Girl)

No offense, Heavy, dude, but it sounds to me that the bad guys are right this time and the good guys are the bad guys. Oh wait that's confusing!!!!!!!! And a bit ironic, needless to say... Although I must admit I didn't read all the backlog, but that sounds like enough evidence... Now can we please go back to chasing down Kudos and evillene?

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