A Conversation for H2G2 Space Centre

Voyage of the Raven IV: Building the Climactic Battle

Post 121

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

We're all in hyperspace, and different ships except the crew of the Raven, so how are we communicating with each other?

Voyage of the Raven IV: Building the Climactic Battle

Post 122

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[Y2K] Well I didn't expect a kind of Chiss Inquisition!

Voyage of the Raven IV: Building the Climactic Battle

Post 123


*Just for reference, while canibalism is a heinous crime, the Celery is a sentient life form, and our pie ingredients are not. Tomato pie*

Voyage of the Raven IV: Building the Climactic Battle

Post 124

Garius Lupus

*broccoli muffin*

Voyage of the Raven IV: Building the Climactic Battle

Post 125

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[General Barons Stent, Krethin, and Soontir Fel (who is a human) burst in on a jarring Chord]

[Stend] /Nobody/ expects the Chiss Inquisition.

[Y2K] Well I didn't expect Baron Fel. Aren't you a good guy?

[Fel] I used to fly with Rogue Squadron, yes, and my son has some ... interests in Jaina Solo, but I've joined Mith'raw'nuruodo's side.

[Y4C] Mith'raw'nuruodo?

[The other clones] THRAWN.

[Y4C jumps]

[The Chiss Inquisition exits]

Voyage of the Raven IV: Building the Climactic Battle

Post 126

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea rubs her temples. evillene rolls her eyes*

Voyage of the Raven IV: Building the Climactic Battle

Post 127


*Is evillene back and I just didn't notice it? Invisible pie*

Voyage of the Raven IV: Building the Climactic Battle

Post 128

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[Yes, she is]

Voyage of the Raven IV: Building the Climactic Battle

Post 129


*Ah. Welcome back, evillene, where you are. chocolate cake pie*

Voyage of the Raven IV: Building the Climactic Battle

Post 130

soeasilyamused, or sea

[evillene] bite me, superzero....

[sea] *glares at evillene* you are so rude! sorry, affy, she's become more of a b**** while she was gone...

Voyage of the Raven IV: Building the Climactic Battle

Post 131


*Er, okay. I'm sure KL would reward that kind of insulting, but he isn't here right now.*

Voyage of the Raven IV: Building the Climactic Battle

Post 132

Garius Lupus

*meadow muffin*

Voyage of the Raven IV: Building the Climactic Battle

Post 133

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Now what in the name of Sith is a "meadow" muffin supposed to be? Come on! And the tomatoes and such may not be sentient, but I think I'll reveal this to the group back at the space centre biome and you see how they react!

And honestly, whoever heard of a tomato muffin?

Voyage of the Raven IV: Building the Climactic Battle

Post 134

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[Y2K] Apparently, them.

Voyage of the Raven IV: Building the Climactic Battle

Post 135

Garius Lupus

A meadow muffin is a euphemism for a cow, er, deposit. It was a rather lame joke. And there was no tomato muffin. That would be ridiculous. It was a tomato pie. smiley - smiley

Voyage of the Raven IV: Building the Climactic Battle

Post 136

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[Y2K] Tomatoes are still relatives of the celery!

[Y3K] Nonsentient or otherwise!

[Y4K] It would be like a human eating an ape!

[Y2C] ... which some do.

[Y3C] Yeah, but you don't want to be eatin' on something from the same evolutionary plane as you!

[Y4C] And do NOT make any comment whatsoever about Gyarados eating Magikarp!

Voyage of the Raven IV: Building the Climactic Battle

Post 137


If you read the Biome thread, you'll see that many of the vegetables willingly wish to be eaten (not unlike that animal in The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe). The other veggies have accepted this, and certainly wouldn't care less about a non-sentient tomato being put in a pie. And besides, tomato and celery aren't really that close. Tomatos are fruit, celeries are vegetable. Same basic idea, but they aren't as close as, say, a human to a monkey. Maybe a human to a lemur would be more accurate.

Voyage of the Raven IV: Building the Climactic Battle

Post 138

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

Qui donne une merde?

Voyage of the Raven IV: Building the Climactic Battle

Post 139


*Je ne parle francais. Tres fenetre*

Voyage of the Raven IV: Building the Climactic Battle

Post 140

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

Ok, les égales de traduction: who gives a s**t?

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