A Conversation for The h2g2 Language Thing - GERMAN Department

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 141



der Oberkörper – upper part of the body
die Brust – chest
der Busen – bosom
die Brustwarze (die Brustwarzen) - nipple
der Bauch (die Bäuche) – stomache
der Nabel – navel
die Taille - waist
die Hüfte (die Hüften) – hip
der Hintern – behind (coll.)
der Po – bottom
das Gesäß – buttock
das Schamhaar (die Schamhaare) – pubic hair
die Vagina – vagina
die Scheide - vagina
der Penis – penis
das Glied - penis
der After – anus
die Wirbelsäule – spine
die Rippe (die Rippen) – rib
der Knochen (die Knochen) – bone
das Skelett – skeleton

I don’t know if it’s allowed to teach you colloquial stuff smiley - blush. I don’t want my lessons be hidden or removed! smiley - doh

katkodl smiley - blackcat

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 142

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

*eyes open wide at this lesson, and copies the lesson to a document and saves it in case it gets yikesed*

Ich esse Joe C's Gleid, und er isst meine Scheide.
I eat Joe C's penis and he eats my vagina. smiley - tongueout

Uhhh... I said nothing. *shifty glance and waits for her post to be yikesed*

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 143

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

Oh yeah, and what are the words for things like suck and lick? I don't know them, which is why I had to use "eat". *whimpers in annoyance*

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 144


Do you really think my lesson will be hidden? There’s nothing obscene in there – I only mentioned terms that you’re even taught in primary school around here.

Be careful with the spelling: it’s “Glied”, not “Gleid”. Apart from that the sentence was fine.

I don’t want to be a spoilsport, but we shouldn’t mess around too much with those words. I don’t want “The Language Thing” to be cancelled because of that!!! smiley - doh

So, try to be nice and do only form G-rated sentences! smiley - cheerup

katkodl smiley - blackcat

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 145

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

Yeah, I know, I just couldn't resist.

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 146

Kat - From H2G2

*coughs and stands around looking stern and authoritarian*

Keep it clean guys.

Die untere Rippen sind nicht knochen.
Du hast keine Wirbelsaeule, wenn du ein sozial Schaf bist.
In der Oberkoerper sind die Lungen, das Herz, der Magen, der Trachea, usw.


The lower ribs are not bones.
You have no spine, if you are a social sheep.
In the upper body are the lungs, heart, stomach, trachea etc.

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 147


smiley - smileycorrections:smiley - smiley

“die unteren Rippen”

What exactly is a social sheep? smiley - sheepsmiley - blacksheep

“Im Oberkörper sind…”


die Luftröhre – trachea

die Speiseröhre – gullet

katkodl smiley - blackcat

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 148

Kat - From H2G2

I couldnt think of a better way of putting it.
A social sheep...which is a phrase I made up, it's usually just a sheep...is a person who follows everyone else in what they do. So if people start wearing really tight jeans, even though this person normally wears skate jeans, they immediately go and get some really tight jeans....or they only listen to the music which is "popular".

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 149


smiley - teaBODY-PARTS – another sequel smiley - tea

das Bein (die Beine) – leg
das Knie (die Knie) – knee
der Oberschenkel (die Oberschenkel) – thigh
die Wade (die Waden) – calf
der Fuß (die Füße) – foot
die Ferse (die Fersen) – heel
der Zeh (die Zehen) – toe
der Zehennagel (die Zehennägel) – toe nail
die Fußsohle (die Fußsohlen) – sole of foot.

Mein linkes Knie ist kaputt. (My left knee is kaput.)
Meine Zehennägel sind immer schwarz lackiert. (My toe nails are always painted black.)

katkodl smiley - blackcat

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 150


smiley - sheep Maybe one could translate “social sheep” as “ein Schaf in der Menge”. As an alternative you can use the English word “mainstream” in German as well. Elderly people may not know the term though.

katkodl smiley - blackcat

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 151

Kat - From H2G2

chuckle...you cant say your knee is kaput! Theres no such word in English...we stole yours.

es gibt eine Bohrung in meinem Bein! (there is a hole in my leg).
Ab und zu geht mein Fuß an der Balkon und es zu dem Mond singt.

(now and again mz foot goes to the balcony and sings to the moon.

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 152


I thought you’d remember “kaputt” easier when I translate it with “kaput”. I know the term “kaput” in connection with computers (a kaput computer). I thought if it’s fine for computers it’s also good enough for my knee!

das Loch (die Löcher) – hole (Bohrung sounds strange in that context.)
“Ab und zu geht mein Fuß auf den Balkon und singt zum Mond.”

katkodl smiley - blackcat

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 153

Kat - From H2G2

kaputt would have to go to broken. We use it as a slang term but its not real, and Im not sure if its only used in england or not.

Du hast mir ein email zweimal gesendet.
Koennen wir Kleidung jetzt tun?


You sent me one email twice.
Can we do clothing now?

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 154

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

... Your foot goes to the balcony and sings to the moon? smiley - erm

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 155

Kat - From H2G2

I'm trying to be inventive!!!!


Die Hose- trousers
Die Jeans- jeans
Die Latzhose- dungarees
Das Hemd- shirt
Die Bluse- blouse
Der Pullover (Pulli)- jumper
Der Rollkragenpullover - Roll neck jumper
Das Sweatshirt- Sweatshirt
Der Rock- skirt
Die Shorts- Shorts
Die Socke- sock
Der Schlafanzuege- pjs.
Die Jacke- jacket
Der Mantel- coat
Der Anorak- anorak
Der Hut- hat
Die Muetze- cap
Die Pudelmuetze- wooly hat
Die Baseballmuetze- baseball cap
Der BH (Buestenhalter)- bra
Die Strumpfhose-tights
Das Unterhemd-vest
Der Anzug- suit
Der Badeanzug- swimsuit.
Die Schuhe-shoes.

Have I forgotten anything? Five sentences about your clothing please.

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 156

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

Meine Jeans sind schwarz.
Mein Hemd ist schwarz.
Mein Pulli ist schwarz.
Mein Buestenhalter ist schwarz.
Meine Schuhe sind schwarz.
Ich mag schwarz. smiley - biggrin

My jeans are black.
My shirt is black.
My jumper is black.
My bra is black.
My shoes are black.
I like black. smiley - biggrin

Hee hee... Go black!

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 157

Kat - From H2G2

*rolls eyes*


Der Aermel- sleeve
Das Bund- waist
Das Knopfloch- buttonhole
Der Kragen- collar
Die Manschette- cuff
Die Naht- seam
die Tasche- pocket
Der Guertel-belt
die Handschuhe - glove (yes that's hand shoe)
Die Handtasche -handbag (hand pocket)
Das Portmonnaie (purse)
Der Schal- scarf
Die Armbanduhr - watch
Die Halskette- necklace
Die Kette- chain
Der Ring- ring
Der Ohrring -earring.

altmodisch- old-fashioned
elegant (vornehm) - elegant
leger- casual
zerknittert- crumpled
eng- tight
foermlich- formal
(zu) lang/kurz- (too) long/short
modisch- fashionable
weit- baggy
gestreift- striped
bedruckt- printed
kariert- tartan smiley - erm

absetzen- to take off (glasses, hat etc)
anprobieren- to try on
tragen- to wear
an ziehen- to put on
aufsetzen- to put on (glasses etc)
binden -to tie
unziehen- to change.

Kann ich.......anprobieren? Can I try on....?
Danielle sezt seine Jeans auf. Danielle puts on her jeans.


Hallo, ich moechte der Blaumann anprobieren bitte.
Ah! Es ist zu lange! Kann ich es fuer die Latzhose unziehen?
Es ist zu kurz! Ich hasse Kleidung! Ich werde alles Kleidung meiden und blank bin!

Hello, I would like to try on the boilersuit please. (dont ask why boilersuit is "blue man")
Ah! It's too long! Can I change it for the dungarees please?
It's too short! I hate clothes! I will avoid all clothes and go naked!
smiley - laugh

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 158

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

Hee hee. Nice sentences there. And I approve of the naked idea. smiley - winkeye

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 159

Kat - From H2G2

What vocab would you like next?

Oh by the way....

sich in jeden verlieben- to fall in love with someone
in jeden verliebt sein- to be in love with someone
miteinander schlafen- to sleep together
mit jedem Geschlechtsverkehr- to have sex with someone

Ich habe mit Anthea geschlafen- I slept with Anthea (i didnt by the way!)
Ich gehe mit Anthea - Im going out with Anthea (again, Im not)

at least I THINK those are the right phrases....they might be slightly old-fashioned (altmodisch)

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 160

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

Erm... uhhh... how about stuff about the home so that while we're playing that game I am not stuck just looking up one of your suggestions? smiley - tongueout

And it's a shame you didn't do that stuff with Anthea, it would have kept me entertained for a while. I loose interest in things fairly quickly, so keeping me entertained is kinda difficult.

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