A Conversation for The h2g2 Language Thing - GERMAN Department

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 181

aka Bel - A87832164

I've never been to Austria, and I don't know any Austrians, but I agree with your estimate, katkodl smiley - smileyb

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 182

Kat - From H2G2

*coughs quietly* My dear wonderful people...could you talk about this in the speaking thread? Then we get to see what it is in German as well as English and this thread doesnt get cluttered....with anything except my daft mistakes.

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 183

aka Bel - A87832164

You are right, it just occurred to me that we're providing others with a huge blog smiley - erm

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 184

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

Yeah, I leave you people alone for one night and you start ranting about dictionaries! Oh well... I'm pretty much the only other person here and I don't really mind.

Anyway, if there are only differences like between English English, American English and Australian English, then the Austrians are very much so dreaming if they think Austrian will become its own language.

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 185

Kat - From H2G2

let's leave that subject alone hmm? Before we get into an argument about English!

Some teaching please smiley - biggrin

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 186

Kat - From H2G2

Und hier, Katkodl ist deine "English dept"


Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 187


Danke Katkat! smiley - loveblushsmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - blush

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 188


smiley - rose LECTION – SOME PHRASES smiley - rose

smiley - book ein Buch lesen – to read a book

Ich lese ein Buch über Tiere. (I’m reading a book about animals.)

(ich lese, du liest, er/sie/es liest, wir lesen, ihr lest, sie lesen)

smiley - smiley einen Brief schreiben – to write a letter

Ich schreibe einen langen Brief. (I’m writing a long letter.)

(ich schreibe, du schreibst, er/sie/es schreibt, wir schreiben, ihre schreibt, sie schreiben)

smiley - artist ein Bild malen – to paint a picture

Er malt ein schönes Bild. (He’s painting a beautiful picture)

(ich male, du malst, er/sie/es malt, wir malen, ihr malt, sie malen)

smiley - smiley einen Apfel pflücken – to pick an apple

Sie pflückt einen roten Apfel. (She’s picking a red apple.)

(ich pflücke, du pflückst, er/sie/es pflückt, wir pflücken, ihr pflückt, sie pflücken)

smiley - tea einen Tee trinken – to drink tea

Sie trinken gerne schwarzen Tee. (They like to drink black tea.)

(ich trinke, du trinkst, er/sie/es trinkt, wir trinken, ihr trinkt, sie trinken)

smiley - cat eine Katze streicheln – to stroke a cat

Wir streicheln eine weiße Katze. (We are stroking a white cat.)

(ich streichle, du streichelst, er/sie/es streichelt, wir streicheln, ihr streichelt, sie streicheln)

katkodl smiley - blackcat

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 189

Kat - From H2G2

Du liest ein Buch ueber Tiere.
Ich lese ein Buch ueber zweipolige Stoerung.

Malst du deine Zehennaegel?


You are reading a book about animals.
I am reading a book about Bipolar disorder.

Do you paint your toenails?

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 190

aka Bel - A87832164

Malst du deine Zehnaegel an/lackierst du deine Zehnaegel ?

Ich lackiere meine Zehnaegel nur im Sommer

I only paint my toenails in summer.

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 191

Kat - From H2G2

Why does it have to have "an" in the sentence? I dont understand

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 192

aka Bel - A87832164

Because the verb you need inthis context is : anmalen, which is the verb you choose
Ich male einen Stuhl : I'm painting a chair,i.e. painting a picture of a chair

Ich male einen Stuhl an : I'm covering a chair with paint

smiley - sorry, I hope you see the difference, I really don't know how to explain it better

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 193

Kat - From H2G2

Okay so when it's

Er malt ein schönes Bild

It means he is painting a beautiful picture as in creating it...whereas if it was

Er malt ein schönes Bild an.

It would mean he was putting paint on a beautiful picture...i.e. covering it over with paint?

I hope I got that right. It does make sense to me. In English you use the same for both though, Im not sure whether that would ever create confusion, I cant remember it ever doing so.

OH!!! One thing I DO find confusing....

Sie ist meine Freundin.
She is a friend of mine, who happens to be a girl.

Sie ist meine Freundin.
She is my girlfriend.

How do you know which one it is if someone just says "Sie ist meine Freundin"?

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 194

aka Bel - A87832164

You got it with the painting smiley - ok
You can't know the difference, if it's a woman saying this, you usually assume the first case, if it's a man saying this, you can't know, but he'd probably say : sie ist eine Freundin von mir if he wanted to make clear that she's a friend, but not the girlfriend

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 195

Kat - From H2G2

*starts to giggle at the fun she can have with this*
Oh the world of assumptions!

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 196

aka Bel - A87832164

Yes, it can be very embarrassing to assume wrong things ...smiley - biggrin

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 197


Thanks for taking over, B’Elana! smiley - rose It’s great that you’re around and do some teaching as well! smiley - book

Don’t you want to become an official member of the German Department again? smiley - smiley

I agree on the “friend / girlfriend” thingy – it really is confusing in German! smiley - weird

katkodl smiley - blackcat

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 198

Kat - From H2G2

*poises, pen in hand*

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 199


By the by: don't forget to put Mike on the list, Katkat! smiley - smooch

katkodl smiley - blackcat

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 200

Kat - From H2G2

*poised to stab pen through Katkodl's heart* For the pen is...mightier than the sword smiley - erm. I think Im really far behind with the members lists to be honest, because Joe never decided quite how he wanted it to be done.

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