A Conversation for The h2g2 Language Thing - GERMAN Department

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 301

Kat - From H2G2

Im here ready to learn...and I've even got a question! Why are there three ways of saying "why"?

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 302

aka Bel - A87832164

Wieso weshalb warum - wer nicht fragt bleibt dumm ( songline from the German 'Sesamy Street' - and you can even ask 'weswegen' - so that makes four ways, but I don't know why, I'm smiley - sorry

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 303

Kat - From H2G2

So you can use any of them at any time?

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 304

aka Bel - A87832164

Yes and no. I think 'wieso' is a bit more informal, what you generally ask is ' warum', the other three are just to vary the language, so you don't get bored in an interrogation smiley - winkeye

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 305

Kat - From H2G2


We will be minus our HoD for a while due to severe computer problems. In the meantime hopefully B'elana will continue teaching on her own cheered on by all of us.

Thank you

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 306

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

*cheers her on*

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 307

aka Bel - A87832164

smiley - blush

So, do you think you can build some sentences with the interrogatives ?

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 308

Kat - From H2G2

wo sind meine Socken?
Warum ist mein Hund schwarz?
Wie mache ich ein Tisch?
wann ist B'elanas Geburtstag?
Wessen Socken sind diese?


where are my socks?
Why is my dog black?
How do I make a table?
When is B'elana's birthday?
Whose socks are these?

smiley - magic

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 309

aka Bel - A87832164

Well done Kath smiley - smiley

Wie mache ich einen Tisch

and you'd rather say : Wessen Socken sind das or ---diese hier

and now write the answers smiley - biggrin

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 310

Kat - From H2G2

wo sind meine Socken?
Warum ist mein Hund schwarz?
Wie mache ich ein Tisch?
wann ist B'elanas Geburtstag?
Wessen Socken sind diese?

Meine Socken auf meinem Bett sind.
Weil mein Hund ist gemalt!
Ich weiss nicht wie mann einem Tisch machen.
B'elanas Geburtstag ist...ist...ein Geheimnissmiley - ermsmiley - biggrin
Das Socken sind mein Vaters.

Not sure about word order there.

My socks are on my bed.
Because my dog is painted!
I do not know how one makes a table.
B'elanas birthday is...is...a secretsmiley - ermsmiley - biggrin
The socks are my fathers.

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 311

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

Wer hat meine Augen?
Wie esse ich mein Bein?
Wo ist die Musik?
Wann ist Ostern?
Warum habe ich einen Rock?

Who has my eyes?
How do I eat my leg?
Where is the music?
When is Easter?
Why do I have a skirt?

I think I didn't do that right... don't know why... I just think it.

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 312

aka Bel - A87832164

Dani : well done, everything's correct smiley - biggrin

Kath : Meine Socken sind auf meinem Bett ( same word order as in English)
Weil mein Hund gemalt ist oder:
Weil mein Hund angemalt ist - I don't know which you mean
Ich weiß nicht wie man einen ( Akkusativ) Tisch macht. ( man macht, unlike in English, where you use to + infinitiv)
Das sind (die) Socken meines Vaters.
Mein Geburtstag ist am Boxing Day smiley - winkeye

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 313

Kat - From H2G2

"Das sind (die) Socken meines Vaters"

Why?? Im so confused!

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 314

aka Bel - A87832164

Why are you confused ? You forgot to put the modal verb in your first sentence ( sind ), and if you are referring to a specified pair of socks,you put the article - die, if they're only some socks of the very many socks of your father's, then you leave the article, I think in this case, you'd say 'they're some of my father's socks' in English.

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 315

Kat - From H2G2

Oh right okay...sorry I got confused. That's a good point...we haven't done modal verbs yet.

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 316

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

*wanders in determined to learn about modal verbs*

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 317


smiley - snowman MODAL VERBS smiley - snowman

smiley - snowman Here is a list of modal verbs:

können – can
müssen – must
sollen – shall
werden – will
dürfen – may
brauchen – need
(nicht dürfen – must not)
(nicht müssen – need not)


smiley - snowman können – Present Tense

ich kann (I can)
du kannst (you can)
er/sie/es kann (he/she/it can)

wir können (we can)
ihr könnt (you can)
sie können (they can)

Sie können (you can)

smiley - star examples:
Ich kann lesen. – I can read.
Du kannst lesen. – You can read.

smiley - star negative form:
Ich kann nicht lesen. – I cannot read.
Du kannst nicht lesen. – You cannot read.

Is this of any use for you?

smiley - blackcat

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 318

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

Do all the other modal verbs follow the normal verb pattern? Or are they weird like how können turns into kann and kannst?

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 319


Do we have normal verb patterns in German at all? smiley - huh

No, they are not conjugated the same way as “können”, if that was the question. Just wanted to be sure that what I’m writing down makes sense to you, before going on conjugating the other words of the list.
Shall I go on?

smiley - blackcat

Language Thing-German BEGINNERS thread

Post 320

aka Bel - A87832164

Yes please smiley - tongueout

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