A Conversation for Welcome to my humble abode....

Knock Knock

Post 121

The blob

*headbutts way through wall and continues into jacculus*

take that

*grabs SD blaster off jacculus and zaps some small jam sponge particles that had started to move suspiciously*


*gives SD blaster back to jacculus*

here you go.

Knock Knock

Post 122

Dizzy H. Muffin

[whips out thermal detonator and blows self up]

Knock Knock

Post 123

Jacculus of Rome

* Pauses to stare pityingly at the blob
[Whispers confidentially to rest of room] His brain only weighs four grams.

* Aims SD blaster at MaW through door.

BOOM! So satisfying...

Knock Knock

Post 124

The blob

*changes mass with a touch of a button*

i now weigh over three tons

*leaps a jacculus*


*crashes through the floor just three paces from jacculus*


*disappears through the hole in the floor*

Knock Knock

Post 125

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK walks in carrying a pumpkin] Bow wow wow!

Knock Knock

Post 126

TimJ (ACE)

Ah! A pumpkin!!

Smash it!!

(The Smashing Pumpkins, er, Dont!)

smiley - smiley

Knock Knock

Post 127

Dizzy H. Muffin

NO! I'm going to clean it so I can make a Jack-o-Lantern out of it!

[he runs back outside. Once there, he takes a handkerchief and rubs the pumpkin, the top of which explodes, revealing a genie-type character who is shorter than YK (which isn't very difficult considering that YK is six-foot-two, only the genie is four-foot-one). The genie says, "I am the genie of the pumpkin! You have released me by rubbing the pumpkin! And now, I will grant you three wishes!"]

Hmmm ... let me think about it.

Knock Knock

Post 128

The blob

*crawls out of hole in the floor*

how about getting a survey done on this house Tim, it doesn't seem very solid.

*falls though a large crack in the floor nearer to jaccluls than the previous crack*


Knock Knock

Post 129

Jacculus of Rome

* Quickly lays titanium impregnated flagstones over holes in floor to keep the blob busy for a few millenia. Snaps bricky fingers.

[Air opens,disgorging large crate marked "INTERESTING GADGETS"]

Here everybody,have a rummage, any gadget for an antarean parakeet gland.

Knock Knock

Post 130

TimJ (ACE)

A Survey? hmm....

That could be something for YK to wish for smiley - smiley

*Puts hand into box, blinks, and withdraws hand, only faster*

Knock Knock

Post 131

Dizzy H. Muffin

I want a cream soda. [to Genie] You can make one of those out of thin air, right?

["Yes," says the Genie, "I can."]

Then do it!

["But the air isn't thin enough. It's all sort of lumpy."]

Great. Just great. Now what?

["You need to make the air thinner."]

Knock Knock

Post 132

The blob

*mumbled reply comes form under the titanium plating*

hey YK I've got a small travel air thinner here I would let you borrow it but Jaccluls has sealed me in. If you could let me out you are free to use it as you wish.

*taps on titanium in a manner that is very irrtating to Jacclulus*

Knock Knock

Post 133

Dizzy H. Muffin

Genie, I wish for the Blob's freedom!

[In a flash of light, the titanium plating explodes.]

Great! Blob, gimmy the air thinner.

Knock Knock

Post 134

Jacculus of Rome


* Runs out of room to find jelly

Knock Knock

Post 135

Dizzy H. Muffin

WHADDAYA /MEAN/, THE AIR THINNER WON'T WORK!? You mean I have to use a rolling pin!?

["Well, not necessarily," says the Pumpkin Genie. "Stomping it will be just as effective."]

Fine. Fine. Just put the air in the middle of the floor.

[The Pumpkin Genie puts the air in the middle of the floor and says, "What are you going to--" but doesn't get to finish because YK jumps off a chair and falls through the floor. (Yes, Mr. Director, you did read that right: he fell through the floor and added a fortune to the budget.) The genie looks through the hole.]

Knock Knock

Post 136

Jacculus of Rome

* Runs back in with jelly. Cannot believe his luck to have the blob AND yk in holes in the floor. Quickly covers holes with titanium-impregnated unbreakable clear stuff and puts up sign saying "Haughtanius' Zoo . Homo sapiens - Common Human. PLEASE DO NOT FEED."

Tim - I'll give you 75% of all profits if I can use your floor,OK?

* Sprays anti-Genie stuff around and giggles evilly when Genie passes into unconciousness. Imprisons genie in special genie net generated by device taken from gadgets crate.

Knock Knock

Post 137

Dizzy H. Muffin

[abruptly pops up out of a manhole] 'Scuse me, but that thin air's so deep you couldn't find it with mining gear and a team of gophers!

[rubs the special genie net, which explodes. The genie pops out and says, "Now I'm the genie of the special Genie net!"]

Could you stay the genie of the pumpkin?

["Yeah, yeah. Sure. Now I'll get you a sandwich." The genie rushes off to the kitchen and calls back, "What kind?"]

Peanut butter and jelly. White bread.

["One lump or two?"]

I didn't ask for tea.


Just get the sandwich.

["Okay!" The genie returns with a sandwich.]

Knock Knock

Post 138

TimJ (ACE)

Sure Jack, but there will be a 15% titanium-jelly-floorboard tax.... (Grins comercially)

(To Genie - ) I'll take the tea if your offering!

Jacculus, could you not attack the genie before he brings my tea? smiley - smiley

Knock Knock

Post 139

Dizzy H. Muffin

[The genie says, "Wait till I've finished with my /current/ master."]

Cream Soda.

["You need thin air!"]

Here we go again.

Knock Knock

Post 140

Jacculus of Rome

* Runs out, and comes back with a cartload of animals, which he hurls into the pit where they proceed to eat the blob

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