A Conversation for Welcome to my humble abode....

Knock Knock....

Post 41

The blob

*gets up and gets impaled on broken wood on the floor*
can somebody help me here i appear to be bleeding to death

Knock Knock....

Post 42


"NM rushes through door with ample supplies of bandages and tournequets"

Here we go! Yank that wood out and we'll see what we can do!

"Stitches and wraps, wraps and stitches"

There, that should take care of it Blob!....Now...is there any of that Jam Sponge left? Sounded mighty good to me!

By the by, Tim J., looks as though your garden could use some work.....mind if I see what I can do? I've been told I'm right good at gardening!smiley - winkeye

smiley - fishNM

Knock Knock....

Post 43


Uhm.. Tim? Erm.. It's your house.. We're the guests. smiley - winkeye


Knock Knock....

Post 44


eeerrmm...'nonnie..... do you HAVE to make comments "mid-thread"!?.....I get confused easily!smiley - winkeye

smiley - fishNM

Knock Knock....

Post 45


Only where there are comments mid-thread I want to reply to. smiley - winkeye

Otherwise others get confused when they can't follow the little blue line. smiley - winkeye

Knock Knock....

Post 46


My brain don't work that well!smiley - winkeye I have a hard enough time keeping up with the "normal' threads!LOL


Knock Knock....

Post 47


*at the sight of NM monsy runs screaming for the door before he begins his repairs*
monsy smiley - fish

Knock Knock....

Post 48

The blob

*sniffs the air*
is there any sponge lying around that i could have?
its just that i'm trying to recover from my injury

Knock Knock....

Post 49

TimJ (ACE)

*Apologises for being such a poor host*

*Hands round sponge to all.*

Theres a bugblatter beast hunt going on outside, but you may stay here and enjoy the food if you wish!

There is also a computer in my room, which you may use to check your email or browse the guide smiley - smiley

Knock Knock....

Post 50


*nibbles sponge crumbs from the sofa, then heads out to investigate that special bbq pit. smiley - winkeye


Knock Knock....

Post 51

The blob

*eats sponge and staggers over to computer*

now time to find out how to hunt me some bugblatter beasts.

*taps away on computer*

Knock Knock....

Post 52


Yummie!!!! That was some good eatin'!smiley - smiley

Now......Tim J, do you happen to have a garden tiller? I'm itchin' to get out there in your yard! There is just SO much potential!smiley - smiley


Knock Knock....

Post 53


be afraid....be very afraid smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

Knock Knock....

Post 54

Jacculus of Rome

* Returns briefly from beast hunt. Goes to Roman portal and reaches arm in. Retrieves anti-Blob arrow and bow. Crouches to load, then rushes outside again.

Knock Knock....

Post 55


Now, Monsy! You know I'm good with a tiller!smiley - smiley


Knock Knock....

Post 56

TimJ (ACE)

Whats a garden tiller?

I have reports that the beast is nearly slain, so their will be Bugblatter Bast sponge for all!

Knock Knock....

Post 57

The blob

*decides to fall asleep on floor*


Knock Knock....

Post 58


A garden tiller is what we refer to localy as a "roto-tiller". It's a motorized machine, which you walk behind. It has rotating "tines" which prepare the soil for planting.

No true gardener can survive without one!smiley - smiley


Knock Knock....

Post 59

TimJ (ACE)


A Rotary Hoe!!!

Have a look in my shed, I think I may have one near the back somewhere!

Knock Knock....

Post 60


*peeks in, blinks*

Erm.. What's all this 'anti-blob' nonsense?

'Nonnie nibbling

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