h2g2 Post 18.03.04

2 Conversations

Posted: 18th March 2004


'Mothers! Who'd have em?'

Well, everybody actually. This weekend they are celebrated by many, certainly in the UK, with Sunday being designated 'Mothering Sunday' by the Christian Church. This doesn't, of course, preclude non-christians from honouring their mothers but does give a little more meaning to the day apart from the card and tacky gift manufacturers making an easy profit. You shouldn't, of course, need a special day to think about your mum but boy do they make a fuss if you forget to send them a card! This being the case, The Post has tried to include a mention to mums in a few articles.

We are pleased to welcome some new contributors to our pages. Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse has kindly sent in a selection of Hiaku which we shall be featuring over the course of the next few weeks and Ctrl-Alt-Gosho weighs in with a look at taxes. Elsewhere you can find articles ranging from the serious to the amusing. What better way to while away the last few days of winter?



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