Haiku Corner
Created | Updated Mar 17, 2004

I got caught up in somebody's request for some Holiday Haiku on Lil's Atelier convo page, and found it hard to stop. The winter season was just starting to settle in here in Mid-MO, USA, and I took time to observe some of the changes. I will continue with the seasonal haiku thread, moving through Spring, Summer, and Fall. Perhaps I'll even be able to do some of those early, calling upon memories. I find, though, that the immediacy of a moment is what translates best when captured in haiku form. It's an on-the-spot sort of thing. I believe that's what makes the images in a haiku so vibrant: if you can put that one 'Aha!' moment into words in concise format, it makes the haiku great.
Winter Haiku 1
Dimpled white blanket
Bright crystal frosting falls from
Brittle tree branches
Such indistinct shapes
Round humps on a smothered lawn
Snowflakes came to rest
Crimson wings flutter
Cardinal can't hide in trees
On a winter's field
Grey bark and white frost
Swishing tails and cascading snow
Squirrels chase limb to limb
Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse