Created | Updated Mar 18, 2004

If you would like to have an Announcement displayed on this page, please note the submission e-mail address for Announcements, at the bottom of the page.
Upcoming and Proposed Meets
Spring meet 2004 (unofficial)
It isn't clear if Friday 7th to Monday 10th May 2004 is the confirmed date but it will certainly be around that time.
Where? Butlins, Bognor Regis.
Why? Alcohol!... and just one evening is never enough! As well as the usual site facilities it is 'Disco inferno' weekend!! Cost will be approximately £50 per person silver standard self catering.We are also arranging a 'shopping kitty' to keep costs of eating out down and more money for alcohol! All those interested should visit this page.
The London Summer Meet!!!
Yes, it's that time of year again (or at least it will be) - it's The Great, Marvelous, exotically spiffing, H2G2 London Summer Meet 20041! Scheduled for around June or July, the date will be finalized based on the number of people and when they can come. More details can be found here.
Other Potential Meets to Keep an Eye On!!!
Although not having an established page as yet, there are discussions underway to hold a York Meet. Those interested should check out this forum
Another Meet, still in its infancy, is the next East Midlands Meet. Join in this conversation to find out more.
The purpose of this Entry is to provide a Zone for Researchers to inform each other of their free time and movements so that they can hopefully find out when and where all or some of them can meet up in the future with the minimum of inconvenience to enjoy each other's company out there in the real world.
There have been recent developments in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy film! Duke of Dunstable has a site- the Douglas Adams Continuum- which keeps up to date with the latest film news.
We Didn't Start The Fire is a new project (inspired by the Billy Joel song of the same name) to compile and create Guide Entries relating to the events listed in the song. Many writers are needed, so if you can help out in any way, Master B would surely appreciate it!
New Clubs
This club is for your eyes only, : The h2g2 Spy Society! Engage in excitingly secret missions! Make sure the bad guys don't take over the world! Spy on people! Skenvoy is ready to accept your membership ASAP (as secretly as possible).
h2g2 Friends of Tibet
The idea of this society is, first of all, to provide a meeting place for Researchers who share concern for Tibet. Secondly, it also provides information about the Tibet issue. Thirdly, the society proposes that the Dalai Lama's message of peace should be examined as a practical alternative to violence and armed conflict. Features include: Tibet News, Chronology, Tibet Tourism, and a Guestbook. John-the-gardener would appreciate you coming out to join.
The League of H2G2
A UN type society here to defend h2g2 from outside attack.
Founded by Researcher GodBen.
M2M2 - The H2G2 Lesbigay area
A nice place to come and chat with other LGB people and we have a few funny games going on right now.
Run by Researcher Cupid Stunt.
The Campaign for Unedited Animé
A group for people who dislike the extent to which animé is censored and want something done about it.
Animated by Hussassan.
The h2g2 Dave Gorman Appreciation Club, Society, Fannish Thing
A society for fans of the comedian Dave Gorman and all his works. And we may (lightly) consider his friend and ex-flatmate Danny Wallace, too.
Researcher Geggs presiding over the proceedings.
The Post Links Page points you towards the best of h2g2. Everything from information and campaigns to eating and drinking venues, virtual lands or clubs.
The Post Archives are a repository for all things Post related. Divided into easy-to-use categories, they get bigger at a frightening pace. Well worth a visit, whether to re-read a favourite article or catch up on something you missed.
All entries for this feature should be mailed to [email protected]