100 BtVS moments....the list
Created | Updated Jul 5, 2006
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* Angel bites Buffy- Graduation Day pt2.
* Opening sequences of 'The Body'
* Buffy Vs Adam
* Buffy receiving the 'class protector' award
* Clock tower scene from 'Earshot'
* The phone call from 'Passion'
* Battle music from 'Chosen'
* Tara getting shot
* Buffy dying in 'The Gift'
* Spike falling off the counter in 'Tabula Rasa.
* Buffy, Spike and a rocket launcher- 'Him'
* Xander in the basement with the bomb
* The 'crayon breaky' speech from 'Grave'
* Students disrobing to join the fight in 'Graduation Day pt2'
* Conversation between Willow and Oz at the end of 'New Moon Rising'
* Girl dying at the end of 'Help'
* Angel and Buffy in the end of 'Graduation Day pt2'
* Giles in a sombrero
* Oz's reaction to Willow being kidnapped in 'Choices'
* Buffy and Dawn in the cave- 'Grave'
* Willow and Tara's spell in 'Who Are You?'
* Giles killing Ben in the end of 'The Gift'
* Xander and Buffy's sexy dance in 'When She Was Bad'
* Tara's speech at the end of 'Entropy'
* Xander's 'pep-talk' to Buffy abot Riley
* Willow skinning Warren
* Buffy facing Buffy in 'Chosen'
* Willow's reaction to Kennedy saying Tara's name
* Buffy killing Angel
* Spike saving the world
* Floaty dancing from 'Family'
* Buffy's "Everyone who might be a Slayer" speech
* Xander's reaction to Buffy in 'B,B,and B'
* Xander telling Willow he loves her iin 'Becoming pt2
* Faith's speech to Spike in 'Who Are You?'
* The mayor just before he go BOOM
* Spike's "So one of us is living" from 'OMWF'
* Final few sequences of 'Becoming pt1' Moments that define us
* Buffy finding out she's going to die in 'Prophecy Girl'
* Willow finding her school friends dead
* Joyce finding out Buffy is the Slayer
* Spike getting his chip
* The moment Spike realises he's in love with Buffy
* Slayers gone bad- 'Bad Girls'
* Angel breaking up with Buffy
* Willow Vs Buffy
* Angel turning into Angelus
* Xander's talk with Dawn in 'Potential'
* Buffy's reaction to finding out that Joyce and Giles had slept together
* Willow and Tara in the ice-cream truck
* Spike and Buffy's moment in 'Touched'
* Angel's 'second best' in 'Enemies'
* Willow and Xander's first kiss
* Giles at the death of Jenny in 'Passion'
* Snowy moment in 'Amends'
* Spike's promise in 'Afterlife'
* Willow's spell with the scythe in 'Chosen'
* Willow and Tara in the tunnel- 'Tabula Rasa'
* Joyce and Giles in 'Band Candy'
* Giles' reaction to Buffy's return in 'Dead Man's Party'
* Xander trying not to think about sex in 'Earshot'
* Willow attacking Glory in 'Tough Love'
* Xander in the final scene of 'The Pack'
* Buffy's mime of staking the Gentlemen in 'Hush
* The score from 'Hush'
* Scoobies finding out Buffy was in heaven
* Conversation between Buffy and Amy in 'Wrecked'
* Buffy and Spike's reactions when Willow reverses the spell in 'Something Blue'
* Dawn kicking Buffy out the house in 'Empty Places'
* Buffy onfesses to Giles and Willow that Angel was cured
* Buffy's attitude towards vampires in 'The Gift'
* Any Buffy and Faith fight
* Buffy finds Riley in the vampire brothel
* Spike and Buffy bringing the house down
* Xander proposes to Anya
* Giles getting drunk in 'The Yoko Factor'
* Xander leaving Anya at the alter
* Xander faces his fears in 'Nightmares'
* That look between Willow and Tara in 'OMWF'
* Buffy's smile at the end of 'Chosen'
* Gachnar
* Clem's taste test
* Faith's reaction at being introducted to Wesley
* Spike and Buffy on the steps at the end of 'Fool For Love'
* Spike's reaction to Buffy's return from the grave
* Willow and Tara's first kiss
* Willow and Xander get caught kissing
* Clem scaring the potentials
* Oz and Xander carrying Willow offsite for lunch
* Tara's look of jealousy in 'I Was Made To Love You'
* Buffy Vs the mummy hand
* Xander walking away from Cordelia at the end of 'The Zeppo'
* Willow, Buffy and Cordelia's reaction to Xander in Speedos
* Wesley and Cordelia's kiss
* Oz wolf killing Veruca wolf
* Tara leaving Willow
* Willow facing up to Faith
* Xander reviving Buffy in 'Prophecy Girl'
* The conversation between Buffy, Willow, Xander and Giles before facing The First.