Top 100 BtVS moments (Page 6)

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100 Buffy Moments (page 6)

Willow and Tara in the back of the ice-cream truck, in 'Restless'

Okay, sorry guys, but it had to be mentioned, it's a Xander thing. I mean it did provoke an emotion!!!!.(The Scooby Gangs Xander)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HERESpike and Buffy's moment, from 'Touched'

After 3 years of loving her, Buffy finally lets Spike into her heart, it's so moving.(THE SCOOBIES Buffy)

My absolute favourite bit ever! This was…well, touching, and unforgettable!

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Faith got so stitched up by Buffy and Angel, it was just such a cool moment and the first time we get to see Faith and Buffy really fight and that's always exciting.(The Scooby Gangs Xander)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HEREWillow and Xander kiss for the first time.

It was just so unexpected, but about time. Another, they're gonna kiss, they're gonna kiss, THEY'RE GONNA KISS....YES!!!!(The Scooby Gangs Xander)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HEREGiles and the death of Jenny, in 'Passion'

A really sad moment, one minute you see Giles so happy, the next his heart ripped out, very weepy.(THE SCOOBIES Buffy)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HERESnowy moments, from 'Amends'

This was just such a feel good moment, it's not often you get a happy ending, but this was deffinately one of them.(THE SCOOBIES Buffy)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HERESpike's promise, from 'Afterlife'

We see, without question, the depth of the love he has for Buffy and it touches my heart.(THE SCOOBIES Buffy)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HEREWillow's spell with the scythe, in 'Chosen'

Three words..."Oh my Goddess.."!!.(The Scooby Gangs Willow)

It was at this point that the tears started flooding and they didn't stop until 5 minutes after the show ended!!(The Scooby Gangs Xander)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HEREWillow and Tara in the tunnel, in 'Tabula Rasa'.

So very sexy.(The Scooby Gangs Willow)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HEREJoyce and Giles, in 'Band Candy'

My Mum wanted this one mentioned, as she thinks Giles is so funny.(The Scooby Gangs Willow's Mum)

I cried from laughter watching those two. (The Scooby Gangs Xander)

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