Top 100 BtVS moments (the finale)

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100 Buffy Moments (page 10)

Buffy Vs Mummy hand

Anyone who has worked in retail will just so sympathise with this scene and would so loved the moment when Buffy through the candle at the customer.(The Scooby Gangs Willow)

I’ve gotta say that I was as frustrated as Buffy. “Enough already!” (THE SCOOBIES Harmony)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HERETara's look of jealousy, in 'I was made to love you'

My favourite comic Tara moments were through Benson's abilty to convey so much through her eyes.This was a split second in which we saw Willow and Tara were just like every other couple - with Willow in the traditional male 'checking out' role and Tara as colse to haridan fish wife as might be possible for such a sweet character. (Litchick AKA The Scooby Gangs Tara)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HEREXander walking away from Cordelia, at the end of 'The Zeppo'

Just such a cool Xander moment.(The Scooby Gangs Xander)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HEREWillow's, Buffy's and Cordelia's reation to seeing Xander in Speedos, from 'Go Fish'

Xander's sexiest moment, and so funny.(The Scooby Gangs Xander)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HERECordelia's and Wesley's first and only kiss.

What a complete wet trout.(The Scooby Gangs Willow)

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YAY!! Oz's redeeming moment in the whole episode.(The Scooby Gangs Willow)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HERETara leaving Willow at the end of 'Tabula Rasa'

Tears, tears and more tears with a side order of sobing, closely followed by much hyperventolating!!! (The Scooby Gangs Willow)

Very powerful television coming at the close of the funniest episodes, the use of the Michelle Branch song was inspired - 'I just want to get it over with...tears form behind my eyes but I do not cry...the last three years were just pretend'. Oh God the misery! Again Benson and Hannigan convinced entirely in their roles. Heartbreaking. (Litchick AKA The Scooby Gangs Tara)

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Just such a proud Willow moment, another one facing her fears..(The Scooby Gangs Xander)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HEREXander saving Buffy's life, in 'Prophecy Girl'

And not for the first time either..(The Scooby Gangs Willow)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HEREWillow, Xander, Buffy and Giles' conversation before going into battle, in 'Chosen'

A final moment before they did what they all do best, kicking demon butt(The Scooby Gangs Xander)

It made me think right back to the beginning. It was like no time had passed since they first met! Very well done! (THE SCOOBIES Harmony)

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