Top 100 BtVS moments (Page 8)

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100 Buffy Moments (page 8)

Buffy confesses to Giles and Willow that Angel was cured, from 'Faith, Hope and Trick'

Every time I watch this I find it impossible not to be moved by Buffy finally admitting the truth about her last heartbreaking moments with Angel, it allowed her to take steps to move on at last, even if this did only last a week! Ahem.(Staker Boi)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HEREBuffy's attitude towards vampires, from 'The Gift'

Her exchange with Xander after she stakes the vampire at the start of the episode, her attitude was almost arrogant, like your just a vampire, I'm fighting a God, but so very cool.(The Scooby Gangs Xander)

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I just love it when those two face off with each other, some of the best fights ever, especially 'Graduation Day, part 1'..loving the girl fight.(The Scooby Gangs Xander)

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I really felt for Buffy, but I understood why Riley did it, he felt that it would bring him closer to Buffy's world.(The Scooby Gangs Xander)

I thought, “kick him to the curb Buffy – go to Spike” (THE SCOOBIES Harmony)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HERESpike and Buffy, bringing the house down.

Pure unadulterated bonking!!! (The Scooby Gangs Xander)

This was incredibly well done. I could almost feel their passion! (THE SCOOBIES Harmony)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HEREXander proposes, from 'The Gift'

A romantic moment in an otherwise upsetting episode, I felt so happy for the both of them.(The Scooby Gangs Xander)

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Silly, silly British man...I laughed so hard, it hurt.(The Scooby Gangs Xander)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HEREXander leaves Anya at the alter

I felt so sorry for Anya and disappointed with Xander, but it did show another human side of the show, that we all make mistakes.(The Scooby Gangs Xander)

I almost couldn’t believe it was happening. I was sure that it would all work out in the end… (THE SCOOBIES Harmony)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HEREXander faces his fears, in 'Nightmares'

Yet another human aspect of the show, that we all must face our fears to be able to move on in life.(The Scooby Gangs Xander)

To make a comment on this Buffy moment, click HEREThat look, Willow and Tara, from 'OMWF'

Erotica in it's purist form.(The Scooby Gangs Xander)

Interlectual teatime porn...May the goddess bless Joss..MmMmMmM.(The Scooby Gangs Willow)

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