A Conversation for The Café

The Book Club

Post 181


A friend of mine likes Tom Lehrer and was complaining that an episode of Ally McBeal a few weeks back was a rip-off of one of his songs. It was the one where the guy cuts his wife's hand off...

The Book Club

Post 182

Mrs V

Don't think I've seen that one, but we're behind the times here in Norway!! We've jusst had the christmas party episode, the one with the unicorns...

The Book Club

Post 183

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

yes, Helena, please smiley - winkeye
but Luna's right about "the road to mars", I liked it - read Rankin, too, and Eddings converted my mother to reading fantasy. I just plow through McCaffreys "Pern"-Series, I found some parts second hands that have been out of sale for a long time here...

The Book Club

Post 184

Mrs V

Staggering under the weight of a tray of coffees, here you go coffee all round!
I liked some of the Pern novels, I think I've read nearly all of them, our local library had most! (So it was a good place to get ones that weren't available anywhere else!) I like Eddings, and as I mentioned before, Hate Robert Jordan for the sole reason that he won't finish this damn series of his until people stop buying them! And some of us want it to stop now please, its not fun anymore!

The Book Club

Post 185

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Helena... are you still wearing that mind boggling bikini from the beach?

The Book Club

Post 186

%The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ

Wouldn't you like to know? (said sarcastically)

The Book Club

Post 187

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Yes. Yes I would.

The Book Club

Post 188

Mrs V

Because obviously if i hadn't changed back into my uniform he would give me the sack!! I don't know, some boys these days...And I see you're now an ACE, thats lovely!!

The Book Club

Post 189

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

I would never give you the sack for wearing your bikini to work! I'm still not entirely sure how that thing stays on, but aside from that, I was just being curious! smiley - winkeye

The Book Club

Post 190

Cupid Stunt

What is an ace? and why r u one? anyway, what's this about bikinis and uniforms, that belongs in the carry on forum, hwich reminds me, why is everyone talking about fraggles in there?

The Book Club

Post 191

%The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ

He'd probably give you a raise. smiley - winkeye

The Book Club

Post 192

Cupid Stunt

What for, the fraggles or the uniform?

The Book Club

Post 193

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

What fraggles? Huh? I was talking about the bikin that Helena is wearing in the beach forum. It's magic, I swear!

The Book Club

Post 194

Cupid Stunt

Oh, never mind, diod i hear tom lehrer mentioned earlier, and if so, has anyone heard 'Poisoning pigeons in the park'?

The Book Club

Post 195

Mrs V

The bikini is indeed a work of wonder, but I'm in my uniform.Far more sensible when handling hot coffee I feel...

Spring is here spring is here
life is skittles and life is beer
I think the most marvelous time of the year is the spring, yes I do
But theres one thing that makes life complete for me, that makes every moment a treat for me....

Every suday you'll see my true love and me as we poison the pidgeons in the park.....

I haven't heard that in ages, i don't have my CD collection with me here!!

The Book Club

Post 196

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

and far more sensible for sake of the customers *gets shaking hands while thinking about THAT view...*
anybody wants a Brownie? and anybody who has a coffee for me?
smiley - winkeye k*

The Book Club

Post 197

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

I'll trade you that brownie for this cup of coffee. Iiittt'''sss mmmyyy sssiiixxxttthhh ttthhhiiisss mmmooorrrnnniiinnnggg!!!

~Wide Awake Irving smiley - bigeyes

The Book Club

Post 198

Mrs V

Well thats what you get for owning a coffee shop with unlimited free cups!! I'm bettering myself, my current read is the Norten Anthology of English Lit. Particularly the 20th century chapter.

The Book Club

Post 199

Luna(Queen of Hearts)

Hey! I know that book! I bought it for a class three yrs ago.
Which author(s) do you prefer?
Are you reading for class or pleasure?


The Book Club

Post 200

Mrs V

Perversly, pleasure!! They had it in the library, and as icouldn't decide what book toget I got them all just about!! I love TS Eliot, and Virginia Woolf, and Oscar Wilde especially. Was most disapointed at the lackof dickens,there only one tiny little extract. I alsosaw the Tom Stoppard play "The real inspector Hound" played a coupleof years ago, its even more surreal then!! (Hands up who likes Eugene Inesco??)

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