A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season IX - "The Latin One"
GreyDesk Started conversation Apr 17, 2004
A partial return to the Premiership for this week. Plus a couple of top of the table fights over promotion and play-off places in Divisions One and Two
Everton v Blackburn
Leicester v Man City
Man Utd v Liverpool
Wigan Athletic v Sunderland
Plymouth v QPR
Closing date, 12noon on Saturday 24th April.
Good luck, people
owlatronas Posted Apr 17, 2004
Everton v Blackburn 2-1 (radzinski)
Leicester v Man City 1-2 (anelka)
Man Utd v Liverpool 2-2 (gerrard)
Wigan Athletic v Sunderland 2-0 (Ellington)
Plymouth v QPR 1-2(Thorpe)
well i thought id get em in early
Number Six Posted Apr 17, 2004
Barring the installation of our new manager prior to the match (who, hopefully, will not be either Colin Lee or Bobby Williamson - and for the record, I predict it won't be, either), that's prediction's spot on for the Argyle game. If Kevin Summerfield is still in temporary charge, we'll lose.
Actually, can I make a play for some bonus points by making a 'sealed envelope' prediction as to who Argyle's new manager will be? Heaven knows I could do with 'em...
Mu Beta Posted Apr 18, 2004
I'm glad I didn't try that one for the managerial vacancy at Scunthorpe. The odds on me guessing Brian Laws were somewhat long...
egon Posted Apr 19, 2004
Everton 2-1 Blackburn (Radzinski)
Leicester 0-3Man City (Wright-Phillips)
Man Utd 0-0 Liverpool
Wigan Athletic 1-3 Sunderland (Kyle)
Plymouth 2-2 QPR (McLeod)
creachy Posted Apr 20, 2004
Everton 3 - 1 Blackburn (Flitcroft)
Leicester 0 - 1 Man City (Reyna)
Man Utd 2 - Liverpool (SAHA)
Wigan Athletic 0 - 0 Sunderland (95% possession to Sunderland, but unable to hit the net from their 1 shot on target)
Plymouth 1 - 2 QPR (Thorpe)
(yeah right
(more like it
McKay The Disorganised Posted Apr 23, 2004
OK here goes.
Everton 1 v 1 Blackburn - Cole
Leicester 2 v 2 Man City - Izzet
Man Utd 2 v 1 Liverpool - Van Nistelrooy
Wigan Athletic 1 v 1 Sunderland - Ellington
Plymouth 2 v 1 QPR - Evans. (Small partisanship here I have £1.00 bet with our local QPR fan that they won't win the championship)
todd_abraham87 Posted Apr 23, 2004
Everton 2 - Blackburn 1 (Rooney)
Leicester 0 - Man City 2 (Anelka)
Man Utd 1 - Liverpool 1 (Saha)
Wigan Athletic 1 - Sunderland 3 (Kyle)
Plymouth 1 - QPR 2 (Thorpe)
me[Andy]g Posted Apr 23, 2004
Everton 1-0 Blackburn (Gravesen)
Leicester 0-3 Man City (Sibierski)
Man Utd 1-3 Liverpool (Kewell)
Wigan Athletic 2-2 Sunderland (Arca)
Plymouth 2-0 QPR (Keith)
Ormondroyd Posted Apr 23, 2004
Everton 1-1 Blackburn (Stead)
Leicester 1-3 Manchester City (Anelka)
Manchester Utd. 2-1 Liverpool (Saha)
Wigan Athletic 2-0 Sunderland (Ellington)
Plymouth 1-2 QPR (Furlong)
sprout Posted Apr 23, 2004
Everton v Blackburn (1-1) Radzinski
Leicester v Man City (1-2) Anelka
Man Utd v Liverpool (1-1) Owen
Wigan Athletic v Sunderland (1-1) Roberts
Plymouth v QPR (1-1) Evans
Bottletop. Posted Apr 23, 2004
Well, here goes, pushing for a top ten place...
Everton 1-1 Blackburn - Rooney
Leicester 1-0 Man City - Dickov
Man Utd 1-0 Liverpool - Van Nist
Wigan Athletic 2-1 Sunderland - Ellington
Plymouth 2-1 QPR - Evans
GreyDesk Posted Apr 23, 2004
Everton 1-0 Blackburn (Yobo)
Leicester 0-2 Man City (Sibierski)
Man Utd 2-1 Liverpool (Saha)
Wigan Athletic 0-1 Sunderland (Kyle)
Plymouth 0-1 QPR (Coughlan og)
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Apr 23, 2004
Everton 2 - 0 Blackburn (Rooney)
Leicester 1 - 0 Citeh (Izzet)
ManUre 2 - 1 L'pool (Saha)
Wigan 1 - 3 Sunderland (Kyle)
Plymouth 1 - 2 QPR (Thorpe)
Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") Posted Apr 23, 2004
Everton 2 Blackburn 0 (Rooney)
Leicester 0 Man City 0 (-)
Man Utd 2 Liverpool 1 (Van Nistelrooy)
Wigan Athletic 1 Sunderland 1 (Ellington)
Plymouth 1 QPR 1 (Gallen)
Grandpa BIRIYANI Posted Apr 23, 2004
Everton 2 Blackburn 0 (Radzinski)
Leicester 2 Man City 1 (Ferdinand)
Man U 3 liverpool 1 (Saha)
Wigan 2 Sunderland 1(Ellington)
PLymouth 0 QPR 2 (Gallon)
Number Six Posted Apr 24, 2004
McKay - you can cover yourself by getting 15p on QPR for the Championship with Skybet.com... they're foolish enough to be offering odds as big as 6-1 on the Super Hoops. 'Cos if they beat us today, they'll only be a point behind.
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: GreyDesk (Apr 17, 2004)
- 2: owlatronas (Apr 17, 2004)
- 3: Number Six (Apr 17, 2004)
- 4: GreyDesk (Apr 18, 2004)
- 5: Mu Beta (Apr 18, 2004)
- 6: Number Six (Apr 18, 2004)
- 7: egon (Apr 19, 2004)
- 8: creachy (Apr 20, 2004)
- 9: creachy (Apr 20, 2004)
- 10: McKay The Disorganised (Apr 23, 2004)
- 11: todd_abraham87 (Apr 23, 2004)
- 12: me[Andy]g (Apr 23, 2004)
- 13: Ormondroyd (Apr 23, 2004)
- 14: sprout (Apr 23, 2004)
- 15: Bottletop. (Apr 23, 2004)
- 16: GreyDesk (Apr 23, 2004)
- 17: Secretly Not Here Any More (Apr 23, 2004)
- 18: Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") (Apr 23, 2004)
- 19: Grandpa BIRIYANI (Apr 23, 2004)
- 20: Number Six (Apr 24, 2004)
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