A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season IX - "The Latin One"
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Mar 13, 2004
Fulham 1 - Leeds 2 (Viduka)
Brum 2 - Leicester 0 (Forsell)
Bradford 0 - Wigan 0
Derby 2 - Rotherham 1 (Hurst)
Oldham 4 - Colchester 1 (Zola)
Hull 2 - Scunthorpe 1 (Alsopp)
me[Andy]g Posted Mar 13, 2004
Fulham 1-1 Leeds (McBride)
Birmingham 3-0 Leicester (Forssell)
Bradford 0-2 Wigan (Bullard)
Derby 0-1 Rotherham (Mullin)
Oldham 2-1 Colchester (Zola)
Hull 2-2 Scunthorpe (McLean)
... okay, so it's either Gunnar Halle or John Eyre that was close... maybe... but it's not David Eyres (he played for Blackpool and Burnley)... so, erm, it's a Scandinavian former Leeds player? Can't be... or if it is, they didn't ever play for Leeds.
I admit after a reasonable amount of time looking that I can't think who it is. So I'll guess at, erm, Mark Jackson and leave it at that.
Number Six Posted Mar 13, 2004
I think it's impossible for your team to do well *and* for you to do well in Fantasy Football... certainly seems that way for me. Surely you're pleased by your 4-0 trouncing of Burnley though?
Ormondroyd Posted Mar 13, 2004
If it's any consolation, McKay, I think I've had an even bigger mare than you. I might have had my first ever nul points, were it not for Leeds obligingly losing.
GreyDesk Posted Mar 13, 2004
Firstly a sincere apology. I seem to have bollocksed up the mystery player thing entirely
I had this player's clubs listed out as a set of fixtures ages ago, we're talking like almost a year back. Well for one reason or another I never used the list at that time, so I just stuck it in a drawer and forgot about it. When I dug up the list last weekend I managed to pick the wrong set of clubs off of it...
Yes, Ian Ormondroyd never played for Fulham, but he did play 56 times for Aston Villa.
So that's two points for Ormy (YAY!!! )
And egg on face for me.
Ormondroyd Posted Mar 13, 2004
Well, that's redeemed my performance a bit! I get a mystery player, and my team get seven points in eight days.
but wonderful times!
egon Posted Mar 14, 2004
I must say with Everton winning for the second time this year, Sunderland winning, and Cowdenebath getting a draw despite going dow n to ten men, I quite enjoyed my saturday despite the appalling performance of my preditions.
Oh, bizarre bit of news for you-
Cowdenbeath manager Keith Wright and assistant manager Mickey Weir, both ex-Hibs players (Wright scored the winner for them in the 1991 League Cup Final) are apparently borrowing the team minibuses to take their families to Hampden tomorrow...
GreyDesk Posted Mar 14, 2004
A bit of a shocker all round this week
Perhaps we should just wish Psycorp a round of hearty congratulations on winning this week by such a thumping margin - well done sir . Then draw a line under the whole sorry affair and move on...
The Results:
Fulham 2-0 Leeds (DAVIS, Boa Morte)
Birmingham 0-1 Leicester (FERDINAND)
Bradford 0-0 Wigan Athletic (--)
Derby 1-0 Rotherham (PESKY-SOL-EEE-DOH DEE-SEE-EFF-SEE... erm...
Oldham 0-0 Colchester (--)
Hull 2-1 Scunthorpe (BURGESS, MacLean - nice to see that the Russian transfers have come good )
The Points:
Psycorp603 - 10 points (Bradford full house ; Derby result; Hull result & score)
Otto Fisch - 6 points (Oldham result; Hull result, score & scorer)
Bottletop - 5 points (Fulham result & scorer; Hull result)
McKay The Disorganised - 5 points (Fulham result & score; Bradford result)
Ormondroyd - 5 points (Fulham result & scorer; Mystery Player points)
Master B - 4 points (Fulham result & score; Hull scorer)
Owlatron - 4 points (Oldham result; Hull scorer & 1st scorer)
todd_abraham87 - 4 points (Fulham result; Derby result)
WILD BIRIYANI - 4 points (Fulham result; Hull result)
Egon - 3 points (Derby result; Hull scorer)
Number Six - 3 points (Fulham result & scorer)
creachy - 2 points (Derby result)
GreyDesk - 2 points (Bradford result)
sprout - 2 points (Oldham result)
me[Andy]g - 1 points (Hull scorer)
egon Posted Mar 14, 2004
Ah, well to be fair, you need something to cheer you up, lad. I mean, your teams going down the shitter at arate of knots. Only fair you get your place in the sun online
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Mar 14, 2004
Well, there is that in it I suppose....
creachy Posted Mar 14, 2004
guess i'd better drag my sorry limp excuse of a title challenge over to week 12.
*cue Steptoe and Son music*
McKay The Disorganised Posted Mar 14, 2004
The really annoying one for me was Derby - I saw they'd signed Pesky and thought he's bound to score - but the manic depressive Derby fan I work alongside persuaded me that with Whelan and someone else out injured they were doomed. Unlike our closet Oldham fan who told me they'd be playing out their skins to impress the new manager, and they'd probably hit 5 or 6.
Mu Beta Posted Mar 14, 2004
Ian Ormondroyd! Widely regarded as Scunthorpe's worst signing ever.
" i am eternally grateful to Stevenm McLean of Scunthorpe"
You and everyone associated with Glanford Park this season.
Key: Complain about this post
- 41: Secretly Not Here Any More (Mar 13, 2004)
- 42: me[Andy]g (Mar 13, 2004)
- 43: McKay The Disorganised (Mar 13, 2004)
- 44: Number Six (Mar 13, 2004)
- 45: Ormondroyd (Mar 13, 2004)
- 46: egon (Mar 13, 2004)
- 47: GreyDesk (Mar 13, 2004)
- 48: egon (Mar 13, 2004)
- 49: Ormondroyd (Mar 13, 2004)
- 50: GreyDesk (Mar 14, 2004)
- 51: egon (Mar 14, 2004)
- 52: GreyDesk (Mar 14, 2004)
- 53: egon (Mar 14, 2004)
- 54: Secretly Not Here Any More (Mar 14, 2004)
- 55: egon (Mar 14, 2004)
- 56: Secretly Not Here Any More (Mar 14, 2004)
- 57: creachy (Mar 14, 2004)
- 58: Number Six (Mar 14, 2004)
- 59: McKay The Disorganised (Mar 14, 2004)
- 60: Mu Beta (Mar 14, 2004)
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