A Conversation for Talking Point - The Wonderful World of Pants

Boxers versus Y-fronts

Post 1

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

Definitely Y-fronts, because for some reason boxers always give me an erection! smiley - blush

Boxers versus Y-fronts

Post 2

I'm not really here

smiley - yikes I'm not sure we needed to know that.

Boxers versus Y-fronts

Post 3


ho hum smiley - erm
smiley - smiley
smiley - tongueout
^. .^
= ' =

Boxers versus Y-fronts

Post 4

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

*I'm not sure we needed to know that.*

No, probably not.

Boxers versus Y-fronts

Post 5

Big Red

This is the sauciest thing I have read on Hootoo so far! Bravo for making it past the censors. (Or am I supposed to say moderators?) smiley - biggrin

Boxers versus Y-fronts

Post 6



i like boxers,
y fronts always bbunch up more
the only problem with boxers is that i never button them ,a nd like to walk around with no trousers on.... it has slipped out a few times

Boxers versus Y-fronts

Post 7

Big Red

smiley - yikessmiley - laugh Where, precisely, are you walking around with no trou on?

Boxers versus Y-fronts

Post 8


If I may give my opinion, as a girl who wears neither boxers nor y-fronts, both are silly. What is it with those men who wear big baggy boxers under tight trousers, so you can see all the folds and wrinkles of bunched-up cloth arond their groin and half-way down their thighs? It is not a happening look. It looks like they had a skirt on already which they've pulled their trousers over. And Y-fronts - well, men seem to keep 'poking out' which looks - err - odd and frankly too-much-informationy through their trousers. The neatest dressed men of my acquaintance where either tightish boxers or what I believe M&S call 'slips' - like y-fronts without inconvenient holes to pop out of.

Boxers versus Y-fronts

Post 9

pointless in portsmouth

it also feels like you are wearing a skirt under your trousers which is a strange sensation and not one to be recommended

Boxers versus Y-fronts

Post 10


I am of moderate girth (33 inches) but I find it necessary to buy my boxers 'Large'. Why do some men strangle their waists? Comfort is all.

Boxers versus Y-fronts

Post 11

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I never could stand briefs, and those
thong things are so skimpy I wonder
why anyone would want to bother with them.

Underpants are not *supposed* to be in full
view of the world. They're a private matter.
And why would anyone wear loose-fitting
boxers and then wear tight pants over them?

Boxers are just fine the way they are.
If you're concerned about bunching of fabric,
then either buy a smaller size or buy
trim-cut boxers. This is not rocket science. smiley - tongueout

Boxers versus Y-fronts

Post 12


there are some normal man-pants, i'm sure, which are neither boxers nor y-fronts...not that i'm an authority on it smiley - erm
wear calvin klein..can't go wrong with them smiley - tongueout
^. .^
= ' =

Boxers versus Y-fronts

Post 13

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Are you thinking of boxer-style briefs? smiley - huh

Boxers versus Y-fronts

Post 14


I don't see why there needs to be a flap at the front of a pair of boxers, I know why it's there but I don't use it..... or am I in a minority?

Boxers versus Y-fronts

Post 15


I wear boxers.

or ocasionaly neither if I can't be arsed doing the washing...

Boxers versus Y-fronts

Post 16

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

You might want to pay someone else to do
your laundry, then. smiley - erm

Dirty laundry is smiley - yuk

Boxers versus Y-fronts

Post 17


boxer style briefs...could be?
you could always just buy more pants so you don't have to wash them so often...
^. .^
= ' =

Boxers versus Y-fronts

Post 18

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

I don't use the flap either, on the rare occasions that I wear boxers.

Boxers versus Y-fronts

Post 19


I switched to boxer briefs a couple years back (from boxers) and I'm never going back. regular briefs have always chafed me around the leg, especially when running. Boxers tend to bunch and get pushed up. Luckily boxer briefs are considered completely horrendous

Boxers versus Y-fronts

Post 20


Boxers just don't give enough support to the flask and oranges, in my experience, and I didn't like Y's because the tackle does have a habit of escaping, which I find uncomfortable, so it has to be slips for me.

I hope this is not too much information for the more sensitive among you.

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