A Conversation for Talking Point - The Wonderful World of Pants


Post 1

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Would be interesting to know whether the book/film Bridget Jones Diary brought granny pants back in vogue?

I liked the adverts with pants on them they always had fun designs.

I'm sure people would think it was cute to wear the day of the week on your pants each day but personally I couldn't be bothered to faff around with that nonsense and wouldn't it remind people of babies bibs with the days of the week on them?

I guess I have embarrasing pants and socks with animals/people on them.

Yes there is need for pants unless you are scottish but even then you'd want to wear them to keep you warm right?

I like Robbie's tiger pants

Hate thongs cos they rub and they look foul.

Boxer shorts as I like to wear them too (the female variety that is).

I've gone a day or so without changing pants and I don't know any songs with pants in them. Hang on Dick and Dom in the bungalow sing a pant song right?

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