Talking Point - The Wonderful World of Pants

37 Conversations

A pair of granny pants on the washing line.
Girl I know you wanna show da na da na

That thong th thong thong thong

- 'Thong Song' by Sisqo

First things first. When we say pants we mean underpants not trousers. Trousers are boring. But pants (in the British sense of the word) are not. Unless you're talking about big floppy white baggy ones.

Yes, this week (unlike every other week, of course) we're talking pants. We want to hear some of your favourite pants anecdotes (keep them clean please). That's right, we want a laundry basket full of your best pants stories. But more than that, we want to know whether you have any opinions as to what constitutes the right pair of pants. Indeed, is there such a thing as the 'wrong' pants. It's a fine line.

Come on then, own up - what's your favourite pair of pants? And while you're at it:

  • Will granny pants ever come back into vogue?

  • What do you think of people whose pants have the days of the week written on them?

  • What's the best thing you ever seen printed on a pair of pants?

  • What's the most embarrassing pair of pants you own or have ever owned?

  • Is there any need for pants?

  • What's the funniest pair of pants you've ever seen on someone else?

  • Thongs versus bid pants - you decide!

  • Boxer shorts versus Y-fronts - what do you reckon?

  • What's the longest you've ever gone without changing your pants?

  • Are there any great songs with 'pants' in the lyrics?

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