A Conversation for Talking Point - The Wonderful World of Pants

Campaign for a smiley

Post 1


I have been contemplating the subject as I have been enjoying the various conversations here, diverting myslef as I so often do during the interminable wait for the No No No thread to load, and I concluded that a PANTS smiley would come in very handy.
Campaign anyone? Suggestions for the picture?

Campaign for a smiley

Post 2

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Oh you're old hat there me deary. I started a campaign yonks ago, but only got as far as campaigning from my personal space smiley - blush

I still think there should be one - a pair of yfronts first of all, but also perhaps a pair of pink frillies - in the interests of equality smiley - ok

Campaign for a smiley

Post 3


so long as they don't have skid marks!smiley - tongueout

Campaign for a smiley

Post 4

Thin Lizzy

Yeah, nice white Y-fronts would be all good.

Campaign for a smiley

Post 5


Well I hadn't considered skid marks, a bit beyond pants and more into reeeaaallly yuck territory. But I'm not sure about white. More like icky grey as if they've been much washed and the elastic's going...

As far as His and Hers are concerned, my feeling is that it doesn't matter, if something is pants it's got to be the Big Baggy passion killer kind, not the sexy ones, regardless of gender.

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