A Conversation for Talking Point - The Wonderful World of Pants


Post 1

clzoomer- a bit woobly

According to one younger and wiser than me (my daughter), the current fashion amongst young teenagers or *tweens* is the thong which shows above the jeans at the back. This apparently has become such a fashion trend that thong makers have included lacey paterns at this conjunction of straps. The slang for this among males is the *T-Bar* and the reason for it is apparently to prove to everyone that you aren't wearing underwear suitable only for your mother or grandmother.

I'll settle for my comfortable boxers, having abandoned *jockey* shorts years ago. Although I wouldn't kick Uma Thurman out the door if she had a T-Bar....smiley - biggrin

btw, another name for men's underwear here is *gaunch*. Don't ask me why!


Post 2


I can't understand thongs. Can't see that they'd be that comfortable.

Of course, for a good Aussie term for pants, you can't go past the term ' undies'



Post 3

Rains - Wondering where time's going and why it's in so much of a hurry!

Never seen the point of showing your pants...although most jeans and "trendy" trouser styles available today seem to be cut so that you can't avoid flashing your pants and/or belly smiley - erm.

I bought a pair of so-called hipster smart trousers to wear to work and almost stopped a meeting because I was flashing my pants smiley - rofl

Besides, thongs are *the* most uncomfortable item of underwear ever!


Post 4

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Why do females who wear thongs, and thus expose their T-Bar, usually have the least suitable figure? I have seen Tweens who have lived the majority of their life eating Junk-food, doing a fantastic reprieve of Builders' Bum. Talk about 'Park-yer-bike'. You could park the Metropolitan Police Motorcycle Display team's Bikes.
I certainly would not like to have my 'shreddies' on show day-in, day-out, nor would the majority of you.
Tomorrow's laundry shpuld be discreet and hidden for both men and women, and that includes spaghetti straps.

smiley - musicalnote


Post 5

kav- turning deeply paranoid

well i agree on the t-bar not being the nicest sight in the universe..

but on the other hand i've always identified with calvin in the comic strip, the one where he grins expectantly at everyone who passes, and then in the last panel looks completely disgruntled and says 'whats the point of wearing your lucky rocket ship underpants when no one asks to see them?'


Post 6


I have to agree. It's the same over here. The most people I see wearing low cut trousers and midrif tops are those with the biggest stomachs I've ever seen! I'm not including the pregnant ones, though they don't look any better. I'm not that big and I don't even have the nerve to wear short tops with low pants...much.

I can't get over the undie flashing thing though. Can't say it appeals to me much,



Post 7

clzoomer- a bit woobly

A good friend of mine who was a waitress (*server*) at a pub said that she could count on 25% more tips if she wore a thong and a few more if it showed.

Interesting how the women generally don't like the T-bar while the men are of a mixed opinion.

smiley - biggrin

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