A Conversation for ARSE Page of Protest

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 21

Fenchurch M. Mercury

I don't know, I just don't know. And it's never even very many people, I just get the talkative ones. smiley - smiley Once the editors are fed up, I promise you, I'm the first one to go smiley - smiley

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 22


Well what's wrong with that, I'd like to know(P. McCartney 70's) ?
Don't you WANT the talkatives to participate ?

BOB I can't believe I wrote that after 6 Scotch Whiskeys(or is it Whisky ?).
And what do you mean 'always end up like this' ? Be specific so we can be talkative again...

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 23

Fenchurch M. Mercury

It's whiskey, I think.

Yeah, what do you mean, Frink? huh? huh? smiley - smiley

And no, I like talkative people, I'm talkative, very talkative, don't you think? Talk talk talk, it's all I do... smiley - winkeye

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 24



I thought about posting this but then I realized that it would be too childish.

Nah what the f***

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 25

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Childish? no! In fact, I ran a "predict-age-in-content-o-meter" and it said that you were approximately 600. So it's not childish at all.

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 26


Well I'm about 450 months old so you were close.

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 27

Garibaldi - Patented Mr G party at F14181?thread=256534

I'm back. And I am very talkative. Just ask Fenchurch. As for being childish, I am only 293 months old. smiley - smiley

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 28

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Er..I don't know what I meant by "end up like this." I think it was my way of ding-dong-ditching - say something random and then run away.....

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 29

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Yes, Garibaldi is talkative, too! smiley - smiley Welcome to ARSE's talk talk forum.

That's right, Frink, RUN!! RUUUNN!!! Oh dear, oh dear, I'm going to be so dead when it's time to eliminate the talkers....erg.

I guess I should be acting childish, then, at a mere 219 months... so, I'm the one who should be doing this:

aretalktalktalktalkblahblah talkative yep that's me jabberjibberjabber

Oh no, I'm dead.... I'm dead....

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 30

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

TV's Frink drops by again, only to run away, this time for good (or at least for tonight)

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 31

Global Village Idiot

Scotch whisky, Irish whiskey.
pp Spartus
smiley - winkeye

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 32


.........................now look what you have done Towelmaster!!!!!, you have made risque cry! she is heartbroken by your words.....and after all this time she thought you really liked us only to find that you are trying to keep her out of the best site on h2g2, and conspiring with Fairly Strange at that! well....we will show you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we will join the protest and become its strongest members...yes, that is what we will do! and when we have made it to the top and you are down there looking up at us remember, WE KNOW HOW TO SPIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dax.......are you going to let him treat me like this???????

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 33

Fenchurch M. Mercury

I didn't do it!!! smiley - winkeye

I guess that means they're in... hey, what do you expect? I think the females in the protest are a bit outnumbered and it's only sensible to let them in... smiley - smiley

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 34


No no no no no no and NO ! That is NOT what I meant. If you scroll back in this thread you will find some talk about kids and all that and we've all read Monshari's Page haven't we ??


Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 35


And it WAS Fenchurch's posting...

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 36

Fenchurch M. Mercury

OH I get it now, terribly sorry hehe smiley - smiley

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 37


Hey, Towelmaster.....I hope you have better luck talking your way out of this than I do!!smiley - winkeye

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 38

Fenchurch M. Mercury

I'm just going to say again that I didn't do *anything*. smiley - smiley

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 39


I'm gonna' say that too!.......but for some reason I don't think it will help!smiley - smiley

Yes! I will join the fight... today.

Post 40


the only one who did anything was that mean ol' towelmaster smiley - sadface
he broke poor risques' heart by saying he did not want her in here.....i mean she expected as much out of Fairly Strange but you TowelMaster she thought you were better than that, she is still crushed and i do not know if i will be able to lift her spirits back up again. smiley - sadface
i fear the damage you have caused to her fragile ego was too great.....
oh Dax......why do you let him treat me like this? do you have no feelings at all?????

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