A Conversation for The h2g2 Language Thing

FRENCH thread

Post 461

Reality Manipulator

I am only starting to learn French and would like to know if there are are any others who are like me just starting to learn the rudiments of the languageage?smiley - smiley


FRENCH thread

Post 462


Malheureusement, le français n'est pas comme espagnol; en espagnol (en général) les substantives masculin finissent en 'o', et les substantives feminin finnisent en 'a'. En français, c'est plus difficile; il faut les apprendre!

J'ai étudié le français au GCSE; je vais faire 'A'-level en juin 2004/5.


Unfortunately, French isn't like Spanish; in Spanish (in general) masucline nouns end in 'o', and feminine nouns end in 'a'. In French, it's more difficult; you have to learn them!

I've studied French to GCSE; I am going to do 'A'-level in June 2004/5.


FRENCH thread

Post 463

Reality Manipulator

Merci beaucoup Joe I am not any where near your level yet, I am just at the very beginnings and cannot only write very short French phrases but not full sentences or pharagraphs yet.smiley - smiley


FRENCH thread

Post 464


Bonjour à tous smiley - musicalnote

Je me leve smiley - yawn

Good Morning everyone smiley - smiley

I've just waken up smiley - sleepy

à tout à l'heuur!
See you smiley - hug

Taamyu smiley - fairy
7h30 jeudi, le 13 novembresmiley - laugh
(07.30am Thurs. 13th of Nov.)

FRENCH thread

Post 465

Reality Manipulator

Bonjour Taamyusmiley - smiley
Good day Taamyusmiley - smiley

Je habite Grays, Essexsmiley - smiley
I live Grays, Essexsmiley - smiley

Je voudrais un jus de fruit, un croque monsieur et une glace fraise, si vous plait.smiley - smiley
I would like to have a fruit juice, toasted cheese and ham sandwich and strawberry ice cream please.smiley - smiley

L'addition, si'l vous plait.smiley - smiley
The bill please.smiley - smiley

Merci beucoupsmiley - smiley


FRENCH thread

Post 466


Bonsoir smiley - hug
Good evening smiley - cuddle

>Je habite Grays, Essex

Kat, je pense que vous dodevez dire "J'habite à Grays, Essex" smiley - ok
Kat, I think you should say "J'habite à Grays, Essex" smiley - smiley

>I would like to have a fruit juice, toasted cheese and ham sandwich and strawberry ice cream please.

smiley - drool
Moi aussi. Je veux les avoir smiley - drool
Me too. I want to have them smiley - smiley
Je voudrais un jus de fruit, un croque monsieur et une glace fraise, si vous plait.

Il n'y a pas d'additon icismiley - laugh
There is no bill heresmiley - laugh

Alors, je me chouchrai bienôt
Well I'm going to bed soon smiley - yawn

Bonne nuit smiley - star
à demain smiley - hug

Good night smiley - sleepy
See you tomorrow smiley - cuddle

Taamyu smiley - fairy

FRENCH thread

Post 467

Reality Manipulator

Merci beacoup for the help Taamyu.smiley - smiley
Many thanks for the help Taamyu.smiley - smiley

smiley - cheersVoila le menu for tu Taamyu.smiley - smiley
smiley - cheersHere it is the menu for you Taamyu.smiley - smiley

Bonne nuit smiley - star
A demainsmiley - hug

Good night
See you tomorrowsmiley - cuddle


FRENCH thread

Post 468


Kat smiley - biggrin

Mon plasir smiley - musicalnote
My pleasure smiley - hug

Je me ne couche pas encoresmiley - yikes
I don't go to bet yet smiley - laughsmiley - yawn

à trés bientôt smiley - smiley
see you soon smiley - cheers

smiley - hug

Taamyu smiley - sleepysmiley - grovelsmiley - laugh

FRENCH thread

Post 469


Je viens d'avoir mon cours de francais - c'est vachement dur!

I've just had my French class - it's smiley - bleep tough!

FRENCH thread

Post 470


Salut Lucky Star smiley - star
**Hello Lucky Star smiley - star

Ici il fait beau, mais il fait froid aujourd'hui smiley - blue
*** It's fine day, but it's cold here today smiley - groan

Vous avez lu mon message de nos 'thread' parole(J'ai vous dit le site de DELF/DALF)smiley - smiley?
**Have you read my message in our chat thread (I told you about the sige of DEL/DAL) smiley - laugh?

Bonne journée smiley - musicalnote
**Have a good day smiley - star

Taamyu smiley - biggrin

FRENCH thread

Post 471

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Je pense que Taamyu a domine le french thread smiley - winkeye#
I think that Taamyu has dominated the french thread smiley - winkeye

elle essayer a domine le monde!
she tries to take over the world! smiley - winkeye

FRENCH thread

Post 472


smiley - laugh Elle va dominer le monde avec le français? Le monde, fait attention!


smiley - laugh She is going to dominate the world with French? Look out, world!

FRENCH thread

Post 473

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

quelque chose comme ca

something like that

FRENCH thread

Post 474


Salut à tous
*** Hello everyone smiley - star

Taamyu est arrivee smiley - musicalnote
***Taamyu has come smiley - laugh

Je ne dominera ce thread smiley - laugh
*** I won't dominate this thread lol smiley - laugh

FRENCH thread

Post 475

Reality Manipulator

Salut a tous
Hello everyonesmiley - smiley

Does anyone know any researchers who are like me who are just starting to learn French?smiley - smiley

I cannot keep on having conversations based on ordering food/drink at cafes and shopping as that has how far I have come. I think I am the only one here who is learning French at very rudimentary level.smiley - smiley


FRENCH thread

Post 476


Ce n'est pas important - un des idées de la Chose des Langues est pour les gens apprendre les langues par la conversation, même si ils ne les parle pas bien.


That's not important - one of the ideas of the Language Thing is for people to learn languages through conversation, even if they don't speak them well.

FRENCH thread

Post 477

Reality Manipulator

Joe I am not a conversation level and I am attending beginners class, proper French conversation would be a way ahead of me. I am not at school and I am doing at an adult further education class which teach it alot different than you would do if you were at school. I cannot do French conversation as I have only been taught greetings and introductions. I would learn conversation at least a year into the course. I am 40 years of age and I have no one to practice with and my tutor says it is best to use the French that you know. I feel very alone because of everyone so ahead and there are not any at very basic level like me.smiley - smiley


FRENCH thread

Post 478

Reality Manipulator

Then I do not think it is for me here as you have to have a good knowledge of language and I do not have.smiley - smiley


FRENCH thread

Post 479


...but we wouldnt get very far or learn much if we were all beginnerssmiley - erm

Verb of the day is "vivre" - to live.

Vivons! - Let's live!
Vive la France - Long live France
J'ai vecu en Irlande - I lived in Ireland
Tu vivras longtemps - you will live for a long time
Il faut que vous viviez avec joie - You have to live with joy

smiley - cheers

FRENCH thread

Post 480

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

yah!!! verbs oh no I hear mr vanstramped coming back!

J'espere que tout le monde ont un bonne sante
I hope that everyone has good health

smiley - bluebutterfly j'adore le papillon bleu
I love the blue butterfly

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