A Conversation for The h2g2 Assassins guild

Antheas mind

Post 21

AK - fancy that!

[where cat disappeared]

*A huge lightning bolt streaks down a tunnel and plumets into the ground where the cat disappeared.The crackle of neurons whizzing by stuns.. me... and I get thrown against the wall of the tunnel.
This sectino of the tunnels seems to no longer have any electrical jolts running down the walls...odd...*

*shouting**echoes around mind* This part of his brain seems to have just... died...

*a few seconds later though it come back to life again, seemingly perfectly normal*

Antheas mind

Post 22

Acid Override - The Forum A1146917

[Memory Chamber]
*A differnt imp runs in, while not much taller than the memory imps this one has longer legs and is carrying only a small scap of paper rather than reams of scrolls and books*
A messanger imp of some kind? What is your message?
*The imp runs past Acid and carrys on, Acid appears to grab the words right out of the scroll he was reading, they turn into a futuristic pistol which he fires at the imp, its blue/green laser paralysing it.*
It seems that we are not limited by physics here - any weapon Anthea might imagine must be in here. Of course this means that our opponent has a similar advantage - and it is probably more used to using it.
*Runs over to the imp and takes the slip of paper.*
It seems something happened to AK, we have everything we need here
*Sets off at a run*

Antheas mind

Post 23

AK - fancy that!

[where that thing happened]

smiley - bleep what the smiley - bleepin smiley - bleep was that..????

Antheas mind

Post 24


[still in one of the original chambers]

*fiddling with some neural tissue*

*takes a piece of paper out of his [pocket and scribbles '3 neural comlogs, BRING' on it and throws it on the floor*

*imp come and gets it, races off, then comes back with comm units*

*throws one into the nural flow and imagines it zooming off to Acid*

*it disappears*
Hope that works... if he got it, he'll contact me, and I'll know these neural tubes work..


Antheas mind

Post 25

AK - fancy that!

ooc:what about me?

Antheas mind

Post 26


Antheas mind

Post 27

AK - fancy that!

smiley - ok

Antheas mind

Post 28

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

*teleports into the memory chamber*

Hello Sir, these memory racks are huge, do you need help searching?

Antheas mind

Post 29

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*a dark figure apperes neer all of them simutaniously*
may the force be with you youngling... you maight some day even be able to controle your emotions if you last long enough...
you call yourself an assassin you are nothing but a payed murderer a villen a crook an imposter ha ha ha ha ha...
your feelings make you weak... thay will destroy you eventualy
*the figure disaperes*

Antheas mind

Post 30

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

*uses psychic abilities to bring back figure who acts all confused shortly before being blasted to pieces*

Antheas mind

Post 31

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*the figure reapperes next to everyone*
dont try to hurt me...
it will hurt her if your not cairfull....
mua ha ha ha ha....

Antheas mind

Post 32

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

That was 1st person then 3rd personsmiley - ermsmiley - tongueout

Antheas mind

Post 33

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

foolih assassins...
murdering crooks...
lead by a fool who does as she is told
how i pitty you
how a LAUGH at you

Antheas mind

Post 34

AK - fancy that!

smiley - laugh

Antheas mind

Post 35


*appears out of thin air*
Ok guys I've finished opening the area that was locked off... this stuff should heal itself over time... I'm a bit more concerned about the other area... I could do it myself but I wasn't there at the time that the block was put in place so I'd be hard... bascially we need to start the memories in Antheas mind of what happened at the time the block was placed to try and heal it... but there seems to be some residual stuff from the block here... a sort of trap for psychics... it can probably get you as well...
*sees bloke standing talking to everyone*
Oh ignore him, he's a memory... that'll happen a lot as her mind reforms...


Antheas mind

Post 36

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*the figure draws a lightsaber and activates it the beem glows green*

Antheas mind

Post 37

AK - fancy that!

how the smiley - bleep could it be next to everyone? I'm in a completely different tunnel, after the cat disappeared!

*ventures down tunnel*

Antheas mind

Post 38

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*the images waver and apere next to skenvoy lightsaber active*

*the cat reapersrs from no-where next to AK*

Antheas mind

Post 39


*looks at the lightsabre wielding dude skeptically*
yeah, great
*the bloke is frozen in space*
*mutters something that sounds like* that's not going to happen again...


Antheas mind

Post 40

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*a silver light beam slices through the figure a young girrl walks forward and picks up the silver bladed lightsaber*
ah welcome...

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