A Conversation for The h2g2 Assassins guild

Antheas mind

Post 101

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

the metal...

Antheas mind

Post 102

AK - fancy that!

okay, got that cleared up...

what was that last thing you postedsmiley - erm

Antheas mind

Post 103

AK - fancy that!

before we talked about it?

Antheas mind

Post 104


the hard near-invincible one.

Antheas mind

Post 105

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

i was wondering why the imp felt it was importent...

Antheas mind

Post 106

AK - fancy that!

so it died, was brought there, and had mithral on or around it?

Antheas mind

Post 107

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

well the note for mithral...
i meen the mithral armour or weaponry is good...
but why would the imp need the metal ore?

Antheas mind

Post 108

AK - fancy that!

hm... I dunno? think...

Antheas mind

Post 109

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

very interesting...

Antheas mind

Post 110

AK - fancy that!

perhaps... no... was it carrying out an order when it died?

Antheas mind

Post 111

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

it is a lower class memory imp...
fileing only...

Antheas mind

Post 112

AK - fancy that!

it was filing a paper with the word mithral on it?

Antheas mind

Post 113

Acid Override - The Forum A1146917

I have two hypothesis.
Either it was retriving mithril to fight the thing.
Or it was storing the fact that the thing is made of mithril.
These things should harm a mithril being, but it'd be worth getting some mithril if that were its vunerability...

Antheas mind

Post 114

Acid Override - The Forum A1146917

Or maybe filing this would help.
*Writes a few quick notes on the paper which were smudged when the imp lost it then adds it to Antheas memory banks*
Lets see if some sort of immune response kicks in.

Antheas mind

Post 115

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

maybe we should take some mithril and something that penetrates mithril

Antheas mind

Post 116

AK - fancy that!

Is there anything taht particularly penetratese mithral?

Or maybe.. the paper did actually say Mithorel, and that's something different completely?

Antheas mind

Post 117

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

maybe... some sort of chemical compound based on mithril...
but weaker...?

Antheas mind

Post 118

AK - fancy that!

yes... or perhaps a liquid form of mithral?

Antheas mind

Post 119

Acid Override - The Forum A1146917

Someone who can get into and out of her mind will need to get it. I am trapped in here until the problem is solved because I do not have the luxury of psionics or dreamshifting.

Antheas mind

Post 120

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

or you could use the power of imagenation smiley - smiley

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