FrontPage Archive - July 2003

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1 July 2003: h2g2 - Buzzzzzzzzzz

Someone in a dimly-lit roomEditors' Selection for Tuesday

The Novels of Bret Easton Ellis not only expose the soft underbelly of capitalist society, they preserve the angst of a generation for posterity, as well. Read on to find out more...

Today's Other New Entries

The Forth Road Bridge
'Phoenix Nights' - the Television Series
Eurasian Badgers
The 'Protector of the Small' Books by Tamora Pierce

2 July 2003: h2g2 - 24-hour party people

Part of a 'Happy New Year' collage.Editors' Selection for Wednesday

It might not be all that topical, but as we're always up for a bit of a party here on h2g2, we thought we'd have a look at New Years Eve Celebrations in South-central Pennsylvania, USA. And why not, eh?

Today's Other New Entries

Norman Foster - Architect
The Indiana Jones Trilogy of Films
Have I Got News For You - the TV Series
South Woodham Ferrers, Essex, England, UK,

3 July 2003: h2g2 - Om mani padme hum

Lotus flowerEditors' Selection for Thursday

The story of Kuan Yin - the Buddhist Bodhisattva of Compassion is a tale of love, passion, revenge, and humility which serves as a lesson to us all. Read on to find out more...

Today's Other New Entries

The Legacies of the Wright Brothers in Dayton, Ohio
DynaTAC 8000X - the World's First Mobile Phone
A Basic Introduction to Paganism
Quarters - the Drinking Game

4 July 2003: h2g2 - why oh why oh why

A child asking questionsEditors' Selection for the Weekend

- What's the greatest website in the world, mummy?

- Why, it's h2g2, silly!

For more Answers to Children's Questions read today's brilliant collaborative Community-written entry.

Today's Other New Entries

'Cheers' - the TV Series
Paul McCartney's 'Standing Stone'
The Solitaire Phenomenon

7 July 2003: h2g2 - Rice and Easy Does It!

 Japanese fast foodEditors' Selection for Monday

Today's entry on Onigiri - Fast Food is an example of what the Japanese do best - making things smaller. It's bite-sized, full of facts and easily digestible...

Today's Other New Entries

Les Dawson - Comedian
Six Variations of the Underground Metal Scene
Microbes - Good or Bad?
SUNCTS Headaches

8 July 2003: h2g2 - Do it wright!

A 'flying canoe' above the Statue of Liberty.Editors' Selection for Tuesday

The First Canoe to Fly Around the Statue of Liberty is the wonderfully surreal title of today's entry. Intrigued? You should be. Read on to find out more...

Today's Other New Entries

Lynnwood, Washington, USA
'I Love Lucy' - the TV Series
Microbes - the Harm They Do
How to Get the Best from your Waste Disposal Unit

9 July 2003: h2g2 - at the sharp end

A cactusEditors' Selection for Wednesday

There's more to Looking after Cacti than just watering them once in a blue moon and ignoring them the rest of the time. It's a delicate balance of light, moisture and a lot of love....

Today's Other New Entries

Bloom's Syndrome
'All in the Family' - the TV Sitcom
How to Survive Life in Crowell Hall, Pennsylvania, USA
'Rounders' - the Film

10 July 2003: h2g2 - Flying the Flag

The Flag of BahrainEditors' Selection for Thursday

Today we are looking at The National Flag of the Kingdom of Bahrain, where a simple design belies a complex cultural history. Read on to find out more...

Today's Other New Entries

Blues Harmonica Dos and Don'ts
The Structure of an Essay
Tuna and Broccoli Bake
Building your own PC

11 July 2003: h2g2 - Doling it out

A reminder to get a jobEditors' Selection for the Weekend

There's nothing worse for morale than being told you are surplus to requirements, which is why we asked you for how best to Cope With Redundancy. The results just prove further that you are wise beyond your collective years...

Today's Other New Entries

The Iron Creek Manitou Stone, Alberta, Canada
Alternative Lettuce Soup
'The Cosby Show' - the TV Series
Lundy Island, UK

14 July 2003: h2g2 - happy monday!

A bouzoukiEditors' Selection for Monday

Musical, historical, interesting and extremely well written, today's entry is absolute Bouzoukis. Read on to find out more...

Today's Other New Entries

Money of the Kingdom of Bahrain
How to Gamble and Win
Michael Moore - Multi-media Polemicist

15 July 2003: h2g2 - going native

A Pima woman basket weaving.Editors' Selection for Tuesday

Today's entry, The 'Americanization' of the Pima Nation, takes a look at the history of a venerable Native American race and how modern-day influences have impacted upon its ancient way of life.

Today's Other New Entries

Using the Office Assistant (Clippit) in Visual Basic
MI5 - the British Security Service
The 1945 Battle for Iwo Jima
Foil Rewiring

This Week's University Project

This week's phenomenal University project looks at the history, technology and theoretical basics of radar. Look out for part two of this project next week. Blip... blip... blip...

16 July 2003: h2g2 - Fe Fi Fo Fum...

A comic book page.Editors' Selection for Wednesday

Today, we combine vertigo, fairytales and speech bubbles with a post-modern twist in the story of a unique comic book range - Fables. Want to know more? Turn the page and read on...

Today's Other New Entries

Pink Floyd's English Summer Songs
Corfu, Greece
How to Make Coffee Cream Liqueur
The Perfect Pot Noodle

17 July 2003: h2g2 - On the road again

A graphic depicting a dangerous time and a safe time to cross the road.Editors' Selection for Thursday

Stop, use your eyes and ears, wait until it's safe to cross, and look and listen - just four essential rules for pedestrians outlined in the The Green Cross Code. Read on to find out more......

Today's Other New Entries

World War I Flying Aces
'Star Wars' - the Films
Led Zeppelin - the Albums
Admiral Faddei Faddevich Bellingshausen - Explorer

18 July 2003: h2g2 - Whatever

A memoEditors' Selection for the Weekend

We tried to come up with a wise and witty piece of text for today's collaborative topic, but to be honest it's too hot. So instead we'll let the title speak for itself... Read on for Cures for Apathy.

Today's Other New Entries

Maidenhead, Berkshire, UK
'You Are What You Eat' - The Impact of Diet on Behaviour
Terry Pratchett's Discworld - the Computer Game
Rumpole of the Bailey

21 July 2003: h2g2 - you'll never walk alone

A couple walking on the pavement.Editors' Selection for Monday

Today we invite you to take a walk on the not-so-wild side with a wonderfully executed entry entitled Pavement Etiquette. Read on to find out more...

Today's Other New Entries

Parallel Lines on the Dutch Coast
Tom Crean - Antarctic Hero
The Wright Brothers - How They Almost Quit
The 'Wales' and the 'Belgium' as Units of Measurement

22 July 2003: h2g2 - No minister!

A Tory rosette pointing to an exit door!Editors' Selection for Tuesday

In an unintentionally ironic twist on the UK's current hot political climate, today's entry looks at the process involved in Getting Rid of a Tory Party Leader.

Today's Other New Entries

History of the Postal Service
Lake Cumberland, Kentucky, USA
Chocolate Pudding Recipe
Ten-wicket Hauls In Test Cricket

23 July 2003: h2g2 - listen to this, too good to miss...

A GCHQ officer on surveillanceEditors' Selection for Wednesday

At the hub of British security lies the Government Communications Headquarters, otherwise known as GCHQ. Find out how this one government department helped the Allies win World War II and why it continues to be of vital importance today...

Today's Other New Entries

Jade Plants as House Plants
Islam, Numerology and the Number 19
Elevator Games
Theories of Aggression

24 July 2003: h2g2 - greece lightning

A detail from a picture depicting the heroic OdysseusEditors' Selection for Thursday

Homer's Odyssey is a timeless, epic classic. (Not that Homer, you idiot! Doh!). One of two great epic Greek poems, today's entry examines an heroic journey...

Today's Other New Entries

Just Fontaine - French Goalscoring Legend
'Join, or Die' - the Political Cartoon by Benjamin Franklin
Common Wrens
Top Trumps - the Card Game

25 July 2003: h2g2 - Always the Bridesmaid

A weddingEditors' Selection for the Weekend

It should be the happiest day in the life of the bride, but it only takes one slip-up from either the guests - or any of the major players - for it all to go horribly wrong. Well fear not, as this week's collaborative topic examines the ins and outs of Wedding Etiquette.

Today's Other New Entries

The Burning of the Columbia-Wrightsville Bridge - American Civil War
Flaming and Trolling
Fire Ants - the Ants from Hell

28 July 2003: h2g2 - Moroccan Roll!

A detail from a Moroccan mosaic.Editors' Selection for Monday

Today's entry is an h2g2 travel entry par excellence. Tips for a Visitor to Tangiers, Morocco is both detailed and enthralling. Read on to find out Moor...

Today's Other New Entries

Cigarette Papers
How To Understand Statistics
'Sticky Fingers' - The Rolling Stones Album Reviewed
Bento - Japanese Food

29 July 2003: h2g2 - We Love Birds!

A red kite with a bit of raw flesh in its beak.Editors' Selection for Tuesday

Today we bring you notes from an English garden. Red Kites - Birds of Prey is a wonderfully observed entry that examines the behaviour of this native bird of prey.

Today's Other New Entries

Ellis Island Immigration Centre, New York, USA
Stetson - the Cowboy Hat
Moving in Caves
Moleskine Notebooks

30 July 2003: h2g2 - Blond or Blonde?

A blond(e) girl.Editors' Selection for Wednesday

There's nothing like a damn good fact (h2g2 is stuffed full of them) and today's pithy gem of an entry presents yet another. The Dark Roots of Blond(e) in The English Language is a most enlightening read...

Today's Other New Entries

Hexagonal Chess
The Exeter Book of Old English Poetry
Ana Mendieta - Cuban Artist
The Al Rashid Mosque, Edmonton, Canada

31 July 2003: h2g2 - Make up your own headlines

A Japanese character.Editors' Selection for Thursday

Not so much a teenage mutant ninja turtle, more a grown-up samurai rabbit. Today's fascinating entry tells the story of a unique comic book, 'Usagi Yojimbo' by Stan Sakai. Want to know more? You know what to do...

Today's Other New Entries

Dust Mites
The Worst Witch
The TV Tower, Prague, Czech Republic
How to Make Sweets Without Using a Thermometer

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