Spell Checker
Created | Updated Jan 13, 2014

This page is for Researchers who need to know how to spell a word/s (and grammar, if required) for a Guide Entry, or for any other reason. (Although spelling is not that important in conversation threads)
5 most often Misspelt Words
- accommodation
- apparently
- definite/definitely
- necessary
- receive
Homophones are words which sound the same, but have different meanings, such as: their/there/they're and your/you're.
Some people think correct Punctuation and use of apostrophes is not necessary, however it can completely change what you are saying. Take this example from an English professor who wrote the words 'Woman without her man is nothing' and asked his students to punctuate it;
The men wrote: Woman, without her man, is nothing.
The women wrote: Woman: Without her, man is nothing.
Update March 2008: Some of the volunteer spell checkers appear to have left the site (Elvised) since Spell Checker was created. The Researchers with next to their name are still around and subscribed to this page. However, some of those are involved in other activities on hootoo and their time may be limited.
Human Spell checkers
Simply start a conversation below, giving the details needed. You can ask for a Guide Entry to be checked before you submit it to Peer Review (if so, you will need to quote the A123456 number) or just the odd word or two.
Volunteer Spell Checkers
- AlexAshman
- Amy
- Aries
- b9nr515
- B'Elana
- Ben
- Bernadette Lynn
- broelan
- Cheerful Dragon
- Colonel creachy
- compo
- Danny B
- David B
- Dr E Vibenstein
- echomikeromeo
- Emee
- Gnomon
- Gosho
- Guru Roghan Josh
- Jodan
- Joe C (not here)
- Kat
- Kyra
- loup.dargent
- Malabarista
- Mort
- Napnod
- Narapoia
- Noggin the Nog
- Not him
- Number Six
- Phryne
- psychocandy
- Rho
- Sir Pristy Knockers
- six7s
- TopHat KittyCat
- Wand'rin star
- Whisky
PC users may find On-Line Dictionaries, Thesauri, Style Guide etc.useful