We want the facts ma'am, just the facts. In a city that knows how to keep its secrets, one man stands for justice and fair play - Sir Pristy Knockers.
Actually, you're more likely to find me sitting on the benches in front of the Pavilion at Lords, with a radio jammed up against my ear so I can hear Test Match Special. Many of the other members frown on this behaviour, but what of it I say.
I'll write more when I've found my way to the bar in this place... there is a bar isn't there?
Sir P.
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You've been ACE'd!!! | May 8, 2003 |
Hi Sir! | Apr 16, 2003 |
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10AXth Conversation at Lil's | No Posting | Mar 22, 2021 |
The Atelier Pie-Throwing BBQ and Pooh Stick Triathlon | No Posting | Nov 11, 2020 |
6EXth Conversation at Lil's | No Posting | Nov 28, 2019 |
The Gamers Conversing in the Computer Room | No Posting | Sep 7, 2018 |
109Xth Conversation at Lil's | No Posting | Feb 16, 2016 |
Sir Pristy Knockers
Researcher U224399
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