This is the Message Centre for Sir Pristy Knockers

Hi Sir!

Post 1


I just popped in to say Hi!
I'm afraid I don't have much more to say right now. smiley - winkeye
But if you like to have a drink with me - I am in your service. smiley - smiley
As I see you have provided with a list of pubs already. So that should not be an issue.

smiley - redwine or smiley - ale?

Oh, excuse me - I am Hati, a guardian smiley - angel and keeper of menthol cigarettes and some other stuff also, like smiley - pirate and gardener and just smiley - weirdsmiley - zoom
smiley - biggrin

Hi Sir!

Post 2

Sir Pristy Knockers

Hello Hati, nice to make your acquaintance. This really is quite a friendly place isn't it smiley - biggrin You're a guardian angel? How does that work then? And what's a keeper? I used to garden a bit myself, but now I live in a flat and don't get the opportunity any more smiley - sadface Now, if I remember rightly I can click on your name and be taken to your personal space to find out more about you, right? smiley - biggrin

Hi Sir!

Post 3


Erm, I don't think that my space is very informative these days. *shrugs*
Guardian Angels are... Oh, let me find the link...
It's here A467606
Keepers are here: A441596

As about my garden - it's actually a greenhouse on the board of a smiley - pirate ship The Blood of the Zaphodistas A579684

I guess there must be some links on my space too.
But if you want to ask anything - do so. smiley - smiley
I am smiley - angel, I am nice. smiley - winkeye

Hi Sir!

Post 4

Sir Pristy Knockers

I'll smiley - run off and check out some of those links straight away smiley - biggrin Thank you.

Hi Sir!

Post 5


Erm, you forgot to say if it will be smiley - redwine or smiley - ale...

Hi Sir!

Post 6

Sir Pristy Knockers

Oh, silly me! I'll have a smiley - redwine please smiley - tongueout

Hi Sir!

Post 7



*pours smiley - redwinesmiley - redwine*

So any progress in lurking around?
Oh and if you only want feel free to pop in any of my conversations. smiley - smiley

Hi Sir!

Post 8

Sir Pristy Knockers

I've applied to be Keeper of Bubblewrap smiley - biggrin

Nice smiley - redwinesmiley - tongueout Where's it from?

Hi Sir!

Post 9


smiley - redwine is actually from Romania, I am not.
Cabernet Sauvignon.

Hi Sir!

Post 10

Sir Pristy Knockers

It's jolly good smiley - redwine, and how did you know Cabernet Sauvignon is one of my favourite wines? smiley - ok

Hi Sir!

Post 11


I have to confess that this one is late harvest and a bit sweeter than usual. smiley - smiley

Hi Sir!

Post 12

Sir Pristy Knockers

I don't mind that a bit smiley - smiley I can't say that I care for the really sweet wines, unless we're talking about dessert wines smiley - tongueout

Hi Sir!

Post 13


Semi-sweet, good aftertaste. They can actually do pretty good wine in Romania. smiley - winkeye

Hi Sir!

Post 14

Sir Pristy Knockers

There seems to be more and more good wine around these days, even from the places which used to have a reputation for, shall we say, not so good wine like Romania, Chile, Yugoslavia.

And then there's Australian and New Zealand wine smiley - bigeyes

Hi Sir!

Post 15


So, we are reaching the point to say that actually French and Spanish and Italian wines are not the best after all. smiley - winkeye
You didn't mention South Africa btw. smiley - smiley

Hi Sir!

Post 16

Sir Pristy Knockers

I'd say we are reaching that point Hati smiley - biggrin Some of the best antipodean wines can certainly give the Europeans a smiley - run for their money.

And you're right, I didn't mention South Africa smiley - doh

Hi Sir!

Post 17


I don't mind that point actually. smiley - winkeye

BTW where are you from yourself?

Hi Sir!

Post 18

Sir Pristy Knockers

I'm British smiley - smiley Currently enjoying some of the best April weather I can remember smiley - biggrin

Hi Sir!

Post 19


In the middle of the night?

Hi Sir!

Post 20

Sir Pristy Knockers

Oh smiley - nahnahsmiley - winkeye Well, it is rather warm for April even at this time of the day smiley - smiley

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