h2g2 Post 26.06.03

4 Conversations

Posted: 26thJune 2003


It's that time of year again!

The time when I have to decide whether to pack woolly jumpers or a T shirt and shorts, a pakamac or an anorak, sandals or wellington boots. Yes, it's the h2g2 Summer Party weekend and this time the weather forecast is looking good. Having said that, the Summer Meet 2000 crowd were enjoying a sunny day until a huge black cloud appeared and drowned everyone as they scrambled for the pub! So, as with all self-respecting h2gers, I shall be packing a towel!

I must be mad! A friend phoned earlier this evening and asked if I would like to go canoeing tomorrow. I tried a few feeble excuses about have ironing and packing to do, but the prospect of a day out in the country got the better of me and I agreed. Now - where did I put my swimsuit and, more to the point, will it still fit me?!

The Editorial Team made an unexpected Announcement yesterday that the University of Life is to close. All projects now in progress need to be completed quickly in order to make the Front Page.

As ever we have an eclectic mix of articles for you this week. Please do think to comment if you have enjoyed them as feedback is very welcome, not just by the Post Team but also by their busy band of writers/contributors. Finally, a word about the Post 'clickover' time. If all has gone according to plan, as from next week, The Post will 'go live' at midnight GMT on a Wednesday night... hopefully!



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