Created | Updated Jul 24, 2003

Another Short Message
Well, as promised last week the big clear-out of the Announcements has taken place. The meets are still here (other than the ones that should have happened by now) - please provide updates on these if you want the very latest information about your meet to be shown here.
Because of the clear-out we're rather short of Announcements, so now would be the perfect time to promote your project, society, group, fan club or whatever and get loads of attention for it. All submissions to [email protected].
Now on with your regularly scheduled Announcements.
h2g2 Official Summer Party
Twice a year, h2g2 throws a big party in London to which all Researchers are invited. The next party is going to be held on Saturday 28th June, 2003 (yes folks, that's this week) and will consist of softball, footy and lying around in the sun in Hyde Park, followed by an evening in a London tavern in Holborn.
So to find out more information (including the contingency plans in case of rain), head over to the h2g2 Official Summer Party page.
There is also a proposition to have a picnic - read all about it here.
Proposed Paris Meet
There has been an idea to do a meetup to romantic Paris on the
25-27th July 2003. This entry is to gather together ideas and see what kind of interest there is.
Gilroy Garlic Festival Meet
Where: Gilroy, Calafornia.
When: July 25-27, 2003.
If you are in the neighbourhood and would like to meet up with others from h2g2 and beyond, then take a look at the Gilroy Garlic Festival Meet main page and find out all about it.
The Alton Towers Meet 2003 is to be held on the 19th to 21st September. To find out more or to put your name down to go or show interest, then pop along to the meet homepage, and read all about it.
Luxembourg Mini-Meet
There's not much information about this Mini-Meet at the moment, but what there is you can
find out at the Luxembourg Mini-Meet homepage. The
date is set for sometime in October, so if you live nearby, and you have some spare time in
October, then this might be worth checking out.
Dutch Meet 2003
Discussions are underway at The Dutch Researchers Club homepage about the proposed meet, now set to take place the weekend of 26th - 28th September. If you are interested in attending or just finding out more, then pop along to The h2g2 Dutch Meet 2003 Page.
Werekitty of the Terry Pratchett Cathedral Clergy is requesting assistance with the Terry Pratchett Cathedral. Anyone who can write pages about characters, books and other interesting Terry Pratchett-related things is invited to contribute, as is anyone who can add ideas to the existing Entries. Interested parties should make their way over to the Cathedral and get involved.
The Post Links Page points you towards the best of h2g2. Everything from information and campaigns to eating and drinking venues, virtual lands or clubs.
The Post Archives are a repository for all things Post related. Divided into easy-to-use categories, they get bigger at a frightening pace. Well worth a visit, whether to re-read a favourite article or catch up on something you missed.
All entries for this feature should be mailed to [email protected]