Enjoying the View That? Oh, that's a photo from NASA's family album. It was taken on 9 November, 1967. That's Earth down there, wasn't it cute at that age?
Like the NASA astronauts, we're enjoying the view this month. In addition to the photographs that have been pouring into the Postmail, we've been able to get verbal pictures of h2g2ers' lives through their NaJo journals. FWR must dream in rhyme these days. His verse has been both enlightening and amusing. Keep writing, keep reading: we've still got ten days to go.
This week, we share some of the visual overflow from the NaJo project, plus other features you are sure to enjoy:
- FWR wanted to make sure that we knew we weren't publishing Fake News, so before he sent in his latest photo scoop, he snapped a picture of the moon in his camera. 'That face is really there,' he insisted. We believe him. But is it Lord Byron, as he claims, or Hitler, as the photographer's son asserts? You be the judge.
- No need to argue over Willem's bird. That's a genuine blackthroated canary if ever we saw one. Okay, we haven't ever seen one, but Willem's the expert. We've only seen goldfinches, which Elektra's Aunt Blanche used to call 'wild canaries'. Enjoy the painting and the story. We learn more about wildlife every week around here.
- Speaking of wildlife and learning, Superfrenchie has another newsflash for us: not only are there cows in Normandy, there are also mushrooms! The variety is astounding. Once again, we appeal to our readers: help us identify these French fungi, and tell all you know about them. Here at the h2g2 Post, we thirst for knowledge.
- Awix has a review of one of his favourite movie genres. Maybe it's one of yours, too. As near as I can make out, the movie wasn't as bad as he'd feared. Awix holds superhero movies to a higher standard.
- As usual, there is work for you to do. Take the quizzes. Bluebottle will make you work extra hard this week. Help Superfrenchie caption the photo. We're not sure what the French highway department was thinking. Maybe they'd heard Awix was coming, and wanted revenge for last week's review?
- Admire the stunning photography. Frankly, we've just been agog at the variety and quality of this month's photos. With all this talent around here, we know who we're going to put to work in future.
- There is the usual feeble Editorial humour. Be nice. It's been a rough, cold week.
Here is the Obligatory Cat Photo. For some reason, nobody did cats this week. However, there's plenty to enjoy in these pages. Remember to comment: we hope you realise how vital to the h2g2 mission a participatory readership really is. Constructive discussions flummox the dull naysayers who react like Miss Sweety-Poo to anything they didn't think of themselves. We find the Ignobel Prize people's Miss Sweety-Poo adorable, but would like to point out that this looks a lot less cool if you're not a 10-year-old girl. The rest of us like each other much better when we're nice.
Also remember to send in your photos and copy. The Editor may grouse about the work involved, but secretly appreciates being the first to chuckle and wonder over this Stuff.
Enjoy your week, friends! Stay warm, most of you, stay dry, Florida Sailor, and Willem, enjoy the singing of the frogs when it rains!
Dmitri Gheorgheni