Created | Updated Oct 23, 2002

Coming This Week
Autumn Scottish Meetup 2002
Another meeting in Scotland is being planned for 26th October by the Scottish Researchers Group. To sign up visit this conversation or have a word with Jamie.
Oxford Meet 2002
'The most likely date would be the weekend of November 2nd - 3rdas this provides fireworks, bonfires and hopefully fun fairs (and pubs)!'
If you are interested and would like more information, then head over to the The Oxford Meet 2002 page, where all your needs will be catered for.The 3rd Sydney Meet
An event not to be missed?
Or just an excuse to get p*ssed?
It's on once again ....
Read on to find when
And then add your name to the list here.
Australian and NZ Researchers
Date: Saturday 23rd November 2002
Time: 2pm (ish) til ????
Venue: Carlisle Castle Hotel in Newtown
(yes, I know, AGAIN?? - maybe we can get a discountLondon Meet-Up
Anyone interested in a Meet-Up of h2g2 researchers on London on Saturday
23rd November 2002 at the 'Head of Steam' Euston, then take a look at
the London Meet-Up page, and put your name down to
go.Central US Researchers Group
The planning is in the early stages, and only a possible venue has been decided, in Chicago.
If you live around the Central US area and would like to know more details, then check out
this conversation on the Central US Researchers Group homepage.
The Champagne Quiz Holiday Extravaganza
Lighthousegirl UK and GreyDesk invite you to participate in the Champagne Quiz Holiday Extravaganza. From Thursday 24th October questions will be up for you to answer, so take a look, and enjoy.
Help Needed
Alondar asks, 'If any one wants to help me with writing the history for a ficticious country. Basically what I want, is a team of people who can all work together to get anything that needs doing done. Kind of like the knights of the round table, I know it sounds corny, but thats the ethics behind it, a SMALL group of people equal and together capable of anything.'
If you want to help Alondar, then let him know in this conversation or go to his homepage and see
what he wants doing.
Which time zone are you in?
Sometimes I have trouble figuring out when some of my h2g2 friends can be expected to be online, since I keep forgetting which time zones they are in, and how many hours before or behind my zone that is. I plan to make a table listing the timezones and researchers in each zone - but I need your help!
If you would like to help, then go to Which time zone are you in? and put your name down in one of the conversations.
Greebo and Oss' Word Game
If you enjoy word games, why not visit the Word
Game page and stretch your mind and get the grey matter working.
'All you have to do is find a sentence that can be made out of the letters of a given word.'
- G.A.M.E. = Greebo Annoys Many Entities
- G.A.M.E. = Good Armies Meet Eternally
- G.A.M.E. = Goulash Always Made Edible
The Wall
Write a message to the community on a brick and see it preserved for posterity on the h2g2 Wall.
'Messages need to be quite short, and there is NO advertising, but you can choose your own colour.'
Wireless h2g2? inject2g2
'Are you missing h2g2 On The Move? Do you want to be able to use h2g2 on a wireless mobile device, like your phone or palm pilot? Then try inject2g2. This is a work in progress, which allows basic h2g2 use with minimal bandwidth.'
Your Help is Needed
Bez is looking for researchers to contribute to a University Project on Text Adventures or Interactive Fiction. If you have something to say, or can help in any way, then Bez would be most grateful.
H.L.E. wants to know who your favourite character is from the five Hiker books. If you would like to cast your vote then head over to The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy Character Poll and follow the instructions.
The H2G2 Guild of Wizards
Are you an expert on something or have you an ability that could help others? If the answer is yes, then why not register with The H2G2 Guild of Wizards. If the answer is no, but you need to find someone who can help you with a problem, then the Guild of Wizards may be able to help.
The Church of the True Brownie
Archbishop Marv has swept off the dusty steps into the Temple and found the Right Moment to open the doors and repent for his absence from the Holy Temple.
'Come One, Come All to the Church of the True
Brownie's Temple dedication! - an ongoing party affair with added brownies!
Online Tuit Store
Ever wanted to own your own Tuit, well here's you chance, pop along to the Tuit Store run by Master B. and he'll be very happy to bring you together with the Tuit of your dreams.
H2G2 Living Earth Society
The h2g2 Living Earth Society hopes that you will visit and join in discussions about all sorts of natural earth phenomena.
'This is an area where people with an interest in the forces affecting our home planet can come to discuss news items of interest, share their experiences, seek advice and read interesting guide entries related to natural phenomena on our planet.'.
The Post is happy to welcome the h2g2 Living Earth Society to its pages; you can read their first report here
Why not take a look at the People United in Defence of Depression, Irritability and Natural Grumpiness. It's a new society on h2g2, who believe it is alright to feel whatever you want to feel, be it happy or sad, it might even tempt you into joining.
'PUDDING does NOT celebrate or promote sadness, we simply demand our right to express natural emotions'.
The H2G2 Sprint
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a virtual racer, well here's your chance, visit The H2G2 Sprint and take up the challenge.
'It's just a bit of fun to explore the possibilities of virtual racing around a virtual track. The idea is to complete the H2G2 sprint track in the shortest time.'
Special Sites at this time
purplejenny has set up the People for Peace page.
a girl called Ben offers an insight into
meditation on her The Loving Kindness Meditation
The new, improved Post Links Page
points you towards the best of h2g2. Everything from information and
campaigns to eating and drinking venues, virtual lands or clubs.The Post Archives are a repository for all
things Post related... now revamped and divided into easy-to-follow categories, they are
ever expanding and well worth a visit!
All entries for this feature should be mailed to [email protected]