
There is no other way I can tell you this:I am Crazy Well I think I am and thinking is a big job for a chestnut of course I'm not always a chestnut sometimes I'm dead and I do get the occasional bout of sanity which everyone blames on "that bug" going round. I sometimes wonder just what tipe of bug it is whether its a cicada or a caterpillar or maybe its a spider. I like spiders especially lemonade spiders a spider is a drink where you put soft drink(soft? It's not soft its all bubbly!) in a glass then add some ice-cream it gets all foamy and tastes yummy.
All you will ever know me as is Alondar. I currently am living in Willunga, South Australia for the second time. To understand this you first must understand my history.My History
I was born in Darwin Northern Territory, Autralia We stayed there for a while then moved to Alice Springs (N.T.) and lived there for two years then we moved back to South Australia to be closer to the Grandparents. A few years later we moved to Hyden, Western Australia for Mum to acheive her career goal of becoming a remote area nurse we then moved back to S.A. and thats where I am now.

I have been forever labeled a weirdo and a stranger by society. Thats probably because I like to be different and society can't handle any one who want's to be different because society is based around people all following the same traditions ethics and other such things and if you choose not to follow the rules of society then it glares at you of course it cant do much else because it is basically just a subconcius hive-mind and therefore every-on waits for someone else to make the first move and tackle you down and whatever and you walk down the street safely.Latest Messages
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Your entry has been submitted to 'Flea Market' | Jan 28, 2003 |
Your entry has been submitted to 'Flea Market' | Jan 28, 2003 |
Welcome to the Guild | Sep 6, 2002 |
Hi Researcher 202048.... | Sep 3, 2002 |
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Back | Feb 14, 2003 | Nov 16, 2003 |
Help wanted | Jun 12, 2003 | No Replies |
Peer Review: A817698 - Wheel Barrow | Oct 11, 2002 | Jan 24, 2003 |
Peer Review: A829172 - nose | Oct 11, 2002 | Dec 11, 2002 |
lonely | Nov 19, 2002 | Nov 22, 2002 |
Alondar, keeper of answers to unasked questions(G.O.W.)
Researcher U202048
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