Finger nails are a part of the body and are most commonly found on the ends of your fingers. Finger nails are not often enough given credit for their usefulness and are even painted over by females (and the occasional male) for their dullness. Fingernails Come in varying degrees of usefulness dependig on their size shape and condition frot instance people with exesively long finger nails always seem to have trouble touch typing however people with nails that do not extend past the tip of the finger find it a lot easier. Also people with exesively short fingernails often have troubl getting splinters out of their fingers. Fingernails are made up of two parts growth and excess but is made up of completely the same material, dead skin. The growth, naturally is pink and still atached to the finger trying to remove growth may result in serious pain. You can spot a faulty fingernail when the growth changes colour and becomes extremely dark this fingernail will soon fall out and gradually be replaced by a new one. To avoid this do not quickly apply large amounts of pressure to the fingernail. The excess is in colour white and not attached to the finger this can and in most cases is trimmed regularly how ever some leave to grow this is found mostly in females as preperation for their ceremonuial finger nail painting. Trimming the growth of a fingernail too often and too close to the growth can result in in-grown fingernails although it is found mostly in toe nails it occurs when the excess is cut and then allowed to regrow but during this period of growth it peirces the tip of the finger resulting in extreme pain. This is a rare occurance, however, and aslong as they are kept tidy fingernails are for the better good.
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