The Church of the True Brownie
Created | Updated Oct 17, 2005

And the light did blinketh, and the timer did sound upon the land, and
the people did watch as the oven was open'd and the brownie descended. And
the brownie did say 'I come to you to bring unto the masses true
And the people did eat the brownie's flesh, and they did lick the
frosting. And it was good.
- from the Holy Book of Brownie
Created three years ago, the Church Of The True Brownie now has over
hundred acolytes, whom are all devoted to the worship and study of the
Brownie. The study of the Brownie has long been shrouded in secret by the
ones who know it the most. However, those who join the church find that
church's teachings allow many simple paths to enlightenment partaking in
worship of Brownie as you go.
Even though our church does not have a strict bible or scripture, the
teachings of our church are quite simple and have very few rules. However
the rules we have must be enforced with quite strictness:
- Not partaking of the Brownie
- Claiming that a Blondie is a Brownie
Tbe Ten Holy Suggestions
Marv the Great, one of the original members of the church and now the
archbishop of The Church Of The True Brownie first wrote down the ten
suggestions when reformeing the church into what it is today. His ten Holy
Suggestions are now the basis of all Brownie worship and teaching.
goodness of the Brownie.
Historical Events of Brownie Significance
The followers of The True Brownie, in the past, have undertaken
of knowledge that have took them across the world. The most famous of
crusades has been the crusade in search of the Ark of the Brownie. After
finding a mysterious map with an 'X', they set off to find the holy
In one of the darker moments of the church's history, the sacred fudge was
stolen, and the members were unable to partake in the eating of the
Fortunately, the fudge was recovered, and everyone ate Brownies again. The
all-important Recipe is always kept in a safe place, so while ingredients
and brownies may be stolen, the Brownie can always be prepared by the
The Followers Of Brownie

The Church of The True Brownie is growing larger and larger as more and
people convert to this most illustrious faith. Its populariity continues
grow. There are many positions within the church that still are in need of
filling, so if you feel the call to join our church, do not hesitate to
in and be converted. The Church of the True Brownie propagates good clean
living, and good cooking as a way of life. All brownies will be eaten with
the official eating implement, The Spork (foon). Share and enjoy!
Please note that I am working on getting the rest of the Phreds in the list... Many thanks to Old Uncle Zarniwoop for the coding
Visit a follower... Marv the Grate: Arch BishopFenchurch: High PriestessGw7en: High PriestessLoonytoons: Lord WarlockMonsy: Abbess Shazz: OrganistNM: PriestShorty: ChocolyteBaron Shatturday: Lord High InquisitorZed: Master Inquisitor Inferno: Chaotic Bard Skahbey: Apostate Exorsist Extrordinaire Old Uncle Zarniwoop : Prophet of the Holy Cacao BeanIcarus: SeraphZonker: Lord Exchequer Sporkulious Eglon: Saint Spork of Abbot Frizzychick: Animal Keeper JimiX: Bishop of Nuts, Chocolate procurerAnonymouse: Semi Official TasterDudemeister: GoatherdTV's Frink: Saint Carameldanielt@adelaide: GuitaristMustapha: Keeper of the ApronsOrmondroyd :Prophet Jinx : AltarpersonLance Boyles: Keeper of the SporksAstrodome Goth :Tithe CollectorWowbagger :Feind Extrodinare Cafram: Crumb ManagementNick O' Teen : Shaper of BrowniesEt Cetera is now Lisa : Chocolyte Furby Killer: Furby Exterminator: Psychosomatic Pseudo`Nymph : ChocolyteFire is Good :Oven StarterPeta :Community Brownie Distributor Savior of the Paper Clips :Office keeper and Third assistant inquisitor Santrapenius V: ChocolyteIrons : Liason to CanadaW.R. Phang Dental Surgeon : Dentist : kats-eyes : Server of BrowniesIrving Washington : Knight Protector of the BrownieAsteroid Lil :>: Apostate (She likes Blonde Brownies) Joker : MissionaryNDVV : Baker of the holy BrownieCaptain Armadillo :Random Street Lunatic Sandwich Maker : Commisary SupervisorSpanner Grrl : Propaganda PropagatorHelena : Damn Fine WomanMultivac : Official ApplianceResearcher Horay II : DancerOne Wayne Craig Hugh~ Owen : >: Long name persoGidgetGirl : DishwasherTowel Master : Choir ConducterJoe aka Arnia : Non Spokesman for the CotTB Demon Drawer : Kepper of the after Brownie beer Alaska : High Male Priestess of Brownies Luna, Queen of (my) Hearts: Lady in Waiting: Courtesy 38 :The man with the Shake, Hangover Curist Linus : Keeper of the Barfridge TempratureMari-rae:Missionary the Forth Bluebottle: Missionary Who Has A Worrying Fondness For MatchesLethe: Little lost soulBaron "Bear Thing" Slide: Shoe Polisher/Misguided Crusader |