Which time zone are you in?
Sometimes I have trouble figuring out when some of my h2g2 friends can be expected to be online, since I keep forgetting which time zones they are in, and how many hours before or behind my zone that is.
I thought I'd do something about it, and I now plan to make a table listing the timezones and researchers in each zone - but I need your help! Please post in a conversation titled with your time zone (or start a new conversation if there isn't one already) to let me know where/when you can be found!
You'll find the h2g2 Time Zone Table HERE
Please note that naming your time zone will reveal your location on - at least roughly!
Thanks for your help!
- GMT Greenwich Mean Time
- BST British Summer Time, GMT+1
- IST Irish Summer Time, GMT+1
- WET Western Europe Time, as GMT
- WEST Western Europe Summer Time, GMT+1
- CET Central Europe Time, GMT+1
- CEST Central Europe Summer Time, GMT+2
- EET Eastern Europe Time, GMT+2
- EEST Eastern Europe Summer Time, GMT+3
- MSK Moscow Time, GMT+3
- MSD Moscow Summer Time, GMT+4
US and Canada
- AST Atlantic Standard Time, GMT-4
- ADT Atlantic Daylight Time, GMT-3
- EST Eastern Standard Time, GMT-5
- EDT Eastern Daylight Saving Time, GMT-4
- ET Eastern Time, either as EST or EDT, depending on place and time of year e.g. New York
- CST Central Standard Time, GMT-6
- CDT Central Daylight Saving Time, GMT-5
- CT Central Time, either as CST or CDT, depending on place and time of year e.g. Chicago
- MST Mountain Standard Time, GMT-7
- MDT Mountain Daylight Saving Time, GMT-6
- MT Mountain Time, either as MST or MDT, depending on place and time of year e.g. Denver
- PST Pacific Standard Time, GMT-8
- PDT Pacific Daylight Saving Time, GMT-7
- PT Pacific Time, either as PST or PDT, depending on place and time of year e.g. Los Angeles
- HST Hawaiian Standard Time, GMT-10
- AKST Alaska Standard Time, GMT-9
- AKDT Alaska Standard Daylight Saving Time, GMT-8
Australia & New Zealand
- AEST Australian Eastern Standard Time, GMT+10 e.g. Brisbane
- AEDT Australian Eastern Daylight Time, GMT+11 e.g. Canberra during summer
- ACST Australian Central Standard Time, GMT+9.5 e.g. Darwin
- ACDT Australian Central Daylight Time, GMT+10.5 e.g. Adelaide during summer
- AWST Australian Western Standard Time, GMT+8 e.g. Perth
- NZST New Zealand Standard Time, GMT+12
- NZDT New Zealand Daylight Savings Time, GMT+13
Note to ACEs: this is just an alter ego rather than a new researcher
Time zone abbreviations obtained from www.timeanddate.com
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
CET/CEST | Oct 27, 2011 |
GMT | Sep 15, 2008 |
PST/PDT | Sep 15, 2008 |
GMT/BST | Sep 15, 2008 |
EST/EDT | Aug 19, 2005 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
CET/CEST | Apr 22, 2003 | Oct 27, 2011 |
GMT | Oct 15, 2002 | Sep 15, 2008 |
PST/PDT | Sep 15, 2008 | No Replies |
GMT/BST | Sep 15, 2008 | No Replies |
EST/EDT | Aug 19, 2005 | No Replies |
h2g2 Researcher Time Zones - >>ADD YOUR TIME!>>
Researcher U203563
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."