h2g2 Post 27.06.02

3 Conversations

Posted: 27th June 2002


There's a first time for everything, and my first time happened this week,
yes I have been given the chance to edit The Post as Shazz (hope you had a great holiday boss) has been away this past week, so please be gentle with me folks.

So what does one write in an Editorial? First I'd like to thank all the people who
helped me compile this weeks Post, you're a jolly nice bunch of chaps, and I couldn't of done it without you. I know from experience that writing isn't easy, and to churn out great work week after week is something akin to a miracle to be able to keep the work up to the
standard that appears in the Post week after week. Well done all of you.

After the first, there has to be a second, so talking about great writing as we are, I
read a rather interesting story this week on h2g2 by Kate
, and thought it was so good that I was going to ask permission to publish it in The Post. Before I could however, I noticed that the great guys from AGG/GAG had snaffled it from my feeble grasp and are featuring it in this week’s column. So if you are stuck with a few minutes to spare, you could do worse than spend them reading, A Modernish Fairy Tale.

Thirdly... Just kidding, I think you've had enough of me droning on ~grin~, I bet you'll all be glad to have Shazz back
next week!!

Greebo T. Cat



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