The h2g2 Poem

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If you can reach a header when all about you are missing theirs and blaming you

If you can shoot yourself instead of passing but make allowances for the rebound too

If you can run when you are tired of running

Or being talked about but don't talk about others

Or being taunted but don't give way to taunting

and yet don't look too smart or talk too much

If you can dream of glory and not make glory your master

If you can think and not let thoughts affect your aim

If you can see triumph and not disaster

and treat home games and away games just the same

If you can bear to hear results you have dreaded

Twisted by strikers that beat an off side trap for fools

Or watch your goalie beaten and stoop and build him up with worn out boots

If you can make one cross connection and all free kicks count

If you are losing and can come back and win it

and never doubt that you would win it

If you can play from your heart keep your nerve you'll win now

To swerve and turn your man sees you are gone

And hold up play when no ones with you

except the will to just hang on

If you can please the crowds and keep your shirt on

or win each game with just a touch

if neither foe's or friends can hurt you

if all the team can count on you, not one but all

If you can play for 90 minutes with both halves filled with skill

yours is the premiership and all that's with it

and which is more you'll be a man of the match my son

Inspired by a poem by Rudyard Kipling

smiley - runsmiley - footballsmiley - runsmiley - footballsmiley - runsmiley - footballsmiley - runsmiley - football


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