Created | Updated Jul 11, 2003

Danish Meet-up
30/31 March 2002 is the date for the first Danish h2g2 Meet-up. If you think that you may be
interested in attending, please drop along to the h2g2 Danish
Meet forum and make yourself known. All h2g2ers are welcome no matter where they are
based.Sydney Meet 2002
Those Aussies sure enjoy a good pi... err... meet! Another one has been organised on the
13th April, to be held at the at the Carlisle Castle Hotel in Newtown
at 2pm 'ish'.
Sign up Here if you would like to attend.Scottish Spring/Summer Meet 2002
Plans are well underway for the next Scottish Meet. The date is now firmly set as
11th May, the venue, this time, being Edinburgh. Hie along to the Scottish Summer Meet 2002 page to sign up, make suggestions for
activities or to find out who has already expressed an interest.South-west England Meet 2002 (child-friendly)
The main meet-up is to be at The Eden Project, on 22nd June 2002. As it is a long way for some researchers to travel, we're going to make a weekend of it! If you have any other ideas or suggestions, please let us know.
This is going to be a family-friendly/all-ages meet, so researchers with children, or young researchers with parents(!), can all come along and have fun! For more details visit the South-west England Meet homepage.Hampshire Meet
'Somewhen during the course of the year we hope to organise a meet up for all researchers in
Hampshire. We are thinking of holding it somewhere in the New Forest and would like to go to a KFC
(Due to the availability of sporks). If you know of anywhere then please suggest it.'
With these words Happy Little Elf introduced the possibility and two
threads began. Visit the Hampshire Meet page to sign up and also
check out this
forum.The Pennsylvania Dutch Meet
So far the only plans appear to involve meeting somewhere in south-central Pennsylvania during the weekend of 2nd - 4th August. It's still early days, though and we're sure to have more details soon. More information and a chance to sign up can be found Here
A Hootoo Pub Crawl has been organised by Batty. The crawl kicks off at 1500GMT on April 6th 2002. Each pub will receive a 60 minute invasion and a list of proposed drinking holes is available at the above link.
The h2g2 Fantasy Film League is due to start very soon. If you are not sure how to play or want to place your bets, then get over there and register before 1st April
More information can be found in the Fantasy Films? Eh? article in this week's Post.The Easter Bunny has hopped along to h2g2 and is busy preparing the Great Easter Egg Hunt 2002. The hunt for
eggs takes place over the Easter weekend, so bookmark the page now in readiness!
Don't forget that you can try to portray the Easter Bunny, along with eggs, chicks and bonnets in the Easter Graphics Competition.
Bureau of Missing Researchers
The newly founded Bureau of Missing Researchers has been created by Aljiis to keep track of which h2g2ers have gone AWOL and which have returned to the fold. If you know of someone who has disappeared or, more happily, returned to h2g2, then please drop by and let Aljiis know.
Attention All Mac Users!
The Orchard, a new group for Mac users, is now up and
running. The general idea is to get you Mac users in touch with each other as a source of mutual
support and amusement. So, don't be shy, stand up and make yourselves known!
H2G2 Parent and Child Group
Does your family teeter in that half-life called parenthood? Do you feel the need to share your
experiences? If so, The Post is pleased to introduce the H2G2 Parent and
Child Group
Whether coping with babies, toddlers or teenagers, this is just the place to swop horror stories and coo
over new arrivals.
New Sites of Interest
Join the United Friends of H2G2space and spread happiness and play word games. pheloxi* has built this space which already boasts quite a few members.
Do you like fresh air and exercise? Is pedalling part of your life? The H2G2 Cycling Club would love to welcome you to their small and (so far) exclusive ranks. There are some wonderfully useful links to ALL the entries on h2g2 concerned with bikes and biking. Pull on the lycra and cycle over!
Do you like antiques? More to the point, do you like 'Bargain Hunt' and its host? If so, why not drop around to the The H2G2 David Dickinson 'Club'! and sign up for membership. Although currently 'under construction', this promises to be a fun place to visit.
Captain Venom is attempting to introduce new life into the
old h2g2 Space Center. The Starpilot Hotel Space Station is a
sparkling new venue affiliated to the original H2G2 Space
Centre.Attention all Researchers interested in or developing GuideML editing
software of any kind: the GuideML Editor Writers'
Caffeine Machine is now open for business. The aim is to provide
a central location for discussion, help and collaboration among GuideML
editor writers, with the intention of improving all GuideML editors
across the world.Guys - wondering where else you can go??
Here's somewhere for those in the know
The service is fine
The ladies divine
Dress?? Optional - c'mon - don't be slow
A group of researchers have noticed that the Men's Shower Room has been sadly
neglected of late. So, come on guys, come along and test out the water, shower gel and
Special Sites at this time
purplejenny has set up the People for Peace page.
a girl called Ben offers an insight into meditation on her
The Loving Kindness Meditation page.
The Post Links Page points you towards the best of h2g2. Everything from information and campaigns to eating and drinking venues, virtual lands or clubs.
The Post Archives are a repository for all things Post related. Divided into easy-to-use categories, they get bigger at a frightening pace. Well worth a visit, whether to re-read a favourite article or catch up on something you missed.
All entries for this feature should be mailed to shazzPRME. Please mark the subject 'Announcements'.