The GuideML Editor Writers' Caffeine Machine

5 Conversations

It has recently become clear that a number of Researchers on h2g2 are developing various different tools for aiding and abetting the creation and editing of h2g2 Entries in GuideML, our fantastic XML-based markup language. With the impending standardisation of GuideML 1.0, they have come even more to the forefront, so this page was set up to allow authors of GuideML editors to share knowledge, ideas and wisdom, and to collaborate to avoid unnecesarry duplication of effort, or to produce even better programs for the benefit of the community.

It should be noted and must be said that all of the following projects, unless otherwise stated, are not endorsed by or associated with the BBC in any way whatsoever. If you have a problem with them, contact the authors.

The Editors

If you have a GuideML editor you want put here, please post a message below and it will be done.


Felonious Monk and Jonny are collaborating on what looks to be a very interesting WYSIWYG GuideML editor, aimed initially at generating articles for the Edited Guide. More information as I get it.


Written by Jonny, GuideMLPreview accepts GuideML and allows you to preview the result in either Goo or Alabaster. You can find more information about it here.


Written by MaW, GuidePost is essentially Notepad on steroids, with tools for editing GuideML code and rudimentary syntax highlighting. The latest version is 0.6a, which is horribly out of date but not likely to be updated for a while due to time constraints and an increasing desire to write it again from scratch - doing it properly this time with all kinds of fancy internal features that probably won't be visible to users other than in a vastly improved GuideML editing experience. These plans also raise the possibility of designing a WYSIWYG editing mode more easily, and far better syntax highlighting. Unfortunately, you have to wait. The GuidePost website can be found here and is the only place you can download it.

The Programmers

Intrepid and brave, these dedicated Researchers devote minutes upon minutes of time to producing the highest quality software to enhance your h2g2 experience. If you're not here and you think you should be, tell me and we'll see what we can do.

U55669 - I'm the author of GuidePost, pushed for time and currently working on a big website project which is not related to h2g2 - however, I do intend to update GuidePost again some day, probably around the time the GuideML 1.0 specification is released.

U178874 - I'm a 16 year old AS level student studying Further Maths, Physics and Electronics. I write C++ projects in my spare time. GuideMLPreview is my first real project, so please be nice to me!

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h2g2 is created by h2g2's users, who are members of the public. The views expressed are theirs and unless specifically stated are not those of the Not Panicking Ltd. Unlike Edited Entries, Entries have not been checked by an Editor. If you consider any Entry to be in breach of the site's House Rules, please register a complaint. For any other comments, please visit the Feedback page.

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