Fantasy Films? Eh?
Created | Updated Mar 17, 2003
If you've been paying attention to the 'Who's Online' list, or read any of my nonsensical ramblings recently, you may have noticed a little addendum to my name: 'Fantasy Film League @ A679584'. 'What does it all mean?', you may ask. 'What is this Film League of which you speak?', you may continue. Well, if you've been far too lazy to find out for yourself, then I shall explain all.
For this explanation, I will require an assistant. My assistant today will be Mr Feedline. Say hello, Mr Feedline.
Just read from the top of your script, Mr F.
Okay. Ahem. So, Dr G, what is a Fantasy Film League?
I'm glad you asked that, Mr F. A fantasy league of any sort demands that you use your skill, cunning, and blind luck to pick the people who will excel in a particular field. You may be familiar with a fantasy football league, whereby if you pick the players who score the most goals, make the most saves, and cripple the most expensive players, you will win. A fantasy film league is similar, only you pick a small troupe of actors and a director instead.
That sounds absolutely wonderful, Dr G. How do I sign up?
Well, first you've you to visit the Fantasy Film League Website...
You mean, you've stolen this idea from someone else? You scoundrel!
Erm, yes. However, they're absolutely fine with it. In fact, one of the owners of the site is now a member of h2g2, and the h2g2 Fantasy Film League.
Hmm, okay then. So, what do I do at this website thingy?
Just follow the instructions for signing up, then choose the actors and director you want for your film. Give your film a suitably witty title - an amalgam of several other titles, or some kind of Hitchhiker's reference are both popular. Once you've done that, you're now a part of the Fantasy Film League.
Ahh, but how do I join the h2g2 Fantasy Film League?
Simple - go to your studio page, then click on join a little league. The number of the h2g2 little league is 301, and the password is hootoo. Then just post the details in a new conversation here, and I'll add you to the list.
Er, why is the name of the league so rubbish?
Just stick to the script, Mr F.
But it's awful!
You're fired.
Damn and blast.
So there you have it - join up before April 1 to be a part of the next season. Good luck, bonne chance, and all that rubbish. Frankly, I hope I beat you all. Haha! Ahem.