A Conversation for Limericks

New game anyone?

Post 1541

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

spookily I have just had an e-mail to say that there is an outbreak of fleas in our office!!!!

New game anyone?

Post 1542

genfinch ((1*3)-1-1)*(6*7)=42

try and date one

New game anyone?

Post 1543

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

bought a suit of a fine orange flannell

New game anyone?

Post 1544


It hung to the ground

New game anyone?

Post 1545

genfinch ((1*3)-1-1)*(6*7)=42

But as he plunged in the waves

New game anyone?

Post 1546

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

New game anyone?

Post 1547

genfinch ((1*3)-1-1)*(6*7)=42

New game anyone?

Post 1548

genfinch ((1*3)-1-1)*(6*7)=42

New game anyone?

Post 1549

genfinch ((1*3)-1-1)*(6*7)=42

New game anyone?

Post 1550

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

When the sharks were around

New game anyone?

Post 1551

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Where it heaped in a mound

New game anyone?

Post 1552


its Ok Genfinch..a line will come along in a minute...they are like buses ..you often get three at oncesmiley - hug

New game anyone?

Post 1553

genfinch ((1*3)-1-1)*(6*7)=42

obviously smiley - smiley)

New game anyone?

Post 1554

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

and then he escaped into a canal

A grumpy old Camel named Herbert

New game anyone?

Post 1555

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

Was quite mad and thought he was a turbot

New game anyone?

Post 1556

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

Scantion crime : "was quite"; "went"

New game anyone?

Post 1557

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

He attempted to swim

New game anyone?

Post 1558

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

in a mirage - real to him

New game anyone?

Post 1559

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

but it was really a planet called Rupert.

New game anyone?

Post 1560

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

* It's the tenth planet as revealed in DNA's Mostly Harmless - sorry to be a buttinski but how often in one lifetime do you get a chance to rime Rupert with anything! - and sorry about it not scanning or making any other sense whatever - peace ~jwf~ *

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